Chapter One

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Life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by having nothing happening at all or by having everything happen all at once - Paulo Coelho

Chapter one

Bella Ackerman

The dark damp room, was child's play. Compared to what I have achieved in my last objectives, the way I was handled seemed weak to me.

I rolled my eyes and glanced at the loosely wrapped rope around my wrists and ankles. I could feel that I was being watched.

His eyes were trained on me. I knew his menacing eyes were supposed to warn me to fear for my life, but instead I scoffed.

My wrists were sore after being tied by rope. But it was a small price to pay, in order for me to accomplish my objective. I had to let them tie me up, as strange as it sounds. They had to think they were winning, even if it was for a moment.

Because it is in that moment, that silver lining of trust, that can destroy a person. Make no mistake and succeed. But leaving a sloppy job will result in dire consequences.

My objective was a secret, like many things in my life and the only thing I can disclose is the fact that I have to save the lives of three children before it is too late.

I grabbed the side of my shirt and pressed my bloody fingers across the sharp edge of the broken chair I was currently tied to. The rope fell off instantly.

The blood did not phase me at all, the blood, for me was a way of remembering that I was fighting for the good causes. That there is still some good left in the world. Even if the innocent have to obligationarly pay.

The blood had dried out and the pain I felt soar up my arm when it was grazed by a sharp broken part of the wood, was excruciating . But I held it. I had a high pain tolerance anyway.

With my now free hands, I gripped my feet and untied myself. I grabbed the arm of the chair and with my full force yanked it from its original place.

You say broken, I say weapon. The man grinned and I rolled my eyes. Although my face was not completely in my favour, I was covered in scars and bruises from trying to save the young people who were scared of this corrupt organisation.

Mark had a huge grin and I dialled the number needed. All I needed to do now, was to wait, and stall, long enough for the authorities to make their appearance.

Mark was the idiot who tied me up, and the brains behind the operation. He had cruel intentions and the only thing that concerned him was the amount of profit he was making daily.

People like that disgust me. He had no empathy for what he was doing to the little children he kept captive. He just kept his eye on the income.

Whilst the three little children he had kidnapped were scared and whimpering in fear. Sometime today, I have to get them out of this hell.

" So you are the famous last reigning Ackerman. I must say, to hear all of your adventures... I am most surprised to find that you are a girl. "

He was rambling and I was getting frustrated. He was right about me being the last Ackerman, but even though it has been that way since I was five , it still pains me.

I growled.

"Sexist pig. Girls are just as capable as men."

He was glad to invoke a reaction,but I was wondering whether one man could actually be that stupid.

Gripping the chair arm, and with the little force I had, I gripped his hair and placed the chair arm in his hand, all he had to do was take the bait....

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