Chapter Fourteen

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She swore she would never let someone take so much of her heart and soul that it would wither away to nothing, once they were gone. She gave up on the dream of if finding someone to consume her mind, body and soul. It only ruined you in the end. It left you broken and unable to
Live ~ Tara Sivec A Beautiful Lie

After everything was complete and all the people connected to Alec's possible  murder happening as the consequences , were imprisoned and out of sight, I had the choice of leaving or staying.

Leaving seemed like the easy option, by leaving, it meant that I didn't have to change anything. But is that what I really want? Or is staying the better option? Falling in love is never easy.
But isn't that the whole point of falling in love? To trust someone with your heart and know they won't tear it to pieces.

Alec treats me like a priceless treasure. I don't think he would ever become a monster and break my heart. I knew that from the beginning. He doesn't throw girls away like garbage he treats them like royalty.

I had completed my mission, but the thing about not staying forgotten was that now I had people to say goodbye to. And I for one, sucked at goodbyes. They always changed me.

When my parents died, I thought I'd never be able to trust again. That was the whole reason why I had joined The Forgotten organization to begin with. But then I found that I liked it here.

Goodbyes always sucked because I always changed, I would show my weakness to my enemies. In an organization that I work in, showing weakness is Never an option.

It didn't seem a huge deal, but once a enemy finds out a weakness, they use it against you. And that never ends well. Ever.

It made me feel like I was serving a purpose. I was actually helping, as opposed to stay in My mansion to wallow in my self pity.

Mike was more than happy to take Me under his wing and he told me that I had the choice to go or stay.

If I stayed then, I couldn't move around as much as I usually did. This way, I could have an actual relationship with Alec. And guilt or my conscience won't interfere.

Alec was currently at school alongside with Ryder and Evan. Ryder came from a completely different school, he attended the same one Kade and Kaitlyn did. But he only cane to check on me.

Kaitlyn and Kade had also come, but I remember telling them to go and not to worry. They had enough on their plate. I couldn't throw my problems to the dish.

Both of them were as clueless as me and Alec were. Like seriously, I cannot fathom why neither of them can't see it.

The ironic think was that all the lessons Kaitlyn took and most of the classes Kade took were AP classes, so them being stupid wasn't the issue at hand.

I started to search for my cellphone, but I had a feeling i left it in that warehouse. I groaned but decided that it was time for a new cellphone.

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When I came back, Alec was waiting for me. He grabbed my hand and led me to his car.

I was confused beyond reasoning and I decided that the only way I could actually see was the seeps of his hand. He let go and I was on the open road.

"haha, erm Alec, where are we going?"

I tried to keep my nervousness on the down low, but he just smiled and said

"it's a surprise! "

I rolled my eyes.

Minutes turned to hours and eventually I was welcomed by a lake?

He grabbed my hand and I furrowed my eyebrows. What on earth was h-

"I decided for our first re do date, we should go for a ride on the yacht."

I smiled at him and nodded. He was way to sweet sometimes. Up until the moment he decided that having a water fight was a good idea.

I had to admit, this date was probably going to one of my favorites by a long mile.


After we had dinner and got completely dried off, Alec decided it was best to go home.

Imagine my surprise when he said

"how would you like to permanently move to the White House?"

To say I was shocked was an understatement, I knew why he was saying this. He wanted me to reassure him that I wasn't leaving.

But I knew deep down that I wasn't going anywhere.

Everything that I've wanted, I have achieved in the little time that I've come here.

Although I could have done without the betrayal and wounds, but I knew that life's little ups and downs are always meant for something.

Normalcy was something we had to regain, after the hell we have been through. I decided that I wanted to sort everything out.

Even if I was staying, I loved fresh starts. It was one of the most important parts of restarting in another country. You leave everything else behind and start again.

It might seem a little strange, but it was amazing. Sure the first few times were weird, but like everything, you just need time to adjust.

I called Brianna and decided that we should start afresh. The only time she knew me, was under the force of Miranda. This time I wanted her willingly to come to me.

After we talked it all out, I was glad to not lose out on a friend. Brianna's boyfriend was at some tournament, so we agreed to re meet in the future.

I decided take Up Alec's idea, but only temporarily. It turns out, that in order for Jacob to obtain the information he did, he snooped through my stuff.

Not only did he break a hell of a little stuff. But he also bugged my rooms, so the while house is being checked out by specialists.

It would take time, but it would be worth it. I never wanted to see that scumbag again. He deserves everything that is coming to him.

Alec kissed my forehead and lead me to his room, he gave me an oversized shirt that reached my knees and some joggers that I had to roll up a lot.

He smiled and said

"you look better in my clothes than I do. "

He kissed my nose and then led me to the room I was staying in.

It was a beautiful cream room. One wall was wallpapered with a intricate floral design and the rest of the room was a cream. There were three drawers and a bookshelf, alongside a desk and an ensuite.

The best thing about the room was the view. It was just turning to dark and the sunlight was breath taking. I loved it. It was beautiful.

I brushed my teeth, Alec left me to go sleep. I couldn't believe that it's all over. Months of searching, and now it's over.

A/N okays what did you think? Nd omdddz we are nearing the end. 2-3 chapters to go!

I made this chapter a little longer. It's 1225 words :-)



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