Chapter Thirteen

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There are two kinds of guilt. The kind that is a burden and the kind gives you a purpose. Let your guilt be your fuel. Let it remind you of who you want to be. Draw a line in your mind. Never cross it. You have a soul. It's damaged, but it's there don't let them take it from you. - Sabaa Tapir An Ember In The Ashes

I knew that what I did was completely stupid. Okay it was, but I don't want common sense to ruin what I have with Alec.

I made my choice on what I was going to do about the whole Jacob ordeal, and I leave tonight.

If I can leave beforehand, I can still make it, except now, I just have to keep an eye on the time as it's cut shorter.

I know that I have to protect those I care about and the only way to do that, is to fight for them.

Without Jacob, Tina other Miranda, Ryder, Alec and Evan will all be safe. Okay, maybe not Evan, he's like me, either the dangerous stamp on the forehead for joint the organization (metaphorically speaking of course)

Now I knew how Alec felt. I couldn't help but feel relieved. I needed to express my feelings, but I thought it would cause too many complications. Thankfully it didn't.

I was welcomed into the dining room, where we all sat down and ate. I couldn't help but keep my eye on the time. Now time is of the essence.

Everything must be perfect in order for the plan to be finalized. I watched the clock and walked away from the room I was in. I needed to prepare for what could happen.

I need to tell all of them, the truth. Lies only come to destroy you in the end. Even if you don't mean them to. Life has a way of not granting all of our wishes.

Hope was something I never believed in. It only builds you up, only to be shattered afterwards.

Hope is a disgusting four letter word that takes advantage of those impressionable and naïve.

I packed up the necessary items that were required and knew what I had to do.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

When I entered the location I sent to Jacob, I waited there. He should be there by the next fifteen minutes.

Everything was in place and I was ready. I knew the arrangements and what was needed. All I need now is Jacob.

A couple of minutes later, I was face to face with Jacob. He kept one hand hidden and I knew that he was hiding the weapon he was going to use against me.

I didn't even need to see what it was. Jacob hated knifes. He believed in guns. It was probably the same gun he used against me.

Everything was in place and I was ready.

"Alone? Dumb move. "

Jacob was trying to figure out what I was doing and even though he wouldn't admit it, he was nervous.

"I could say the same thing . "

He smirked

"but that's where your wrong, had I not taught you anything? Never come to a battlefield alone. "

Not even a second later, Tina and Miranda appeared and we're armed with guns. I knew they wanted to shoot me. I had a bigger smirk than he did.

"You see, I don't need an army, but, seeing as I did listen to you when you taught me.. Guys!"

Not even a second later, Alec, Ryder and Evan all appeared.

Evan grabbed Miranda and Ryder grabbed Tina. They both dropped their weapons and looked terrified.

"so I guess it's me and you. "

He scoffed

"really? I thought you were smarter than that, I can kill you both now. Your literally not even a meter away from me.

Even the location you chose, it's ludicrous. I can kill you both and make it look like a suicide.

Just like the accidental killing of your parents. "

My eyes widened and I was raging. That meant this dick killed my parents. I ran towards him and Alec ran after me.

I pulled his hair and kneed his crown jewels he groaned in pain and I smirked. I had a knife, I knew I had to be prepared.

Alec came and grabbed my hand.

"Sweetheart, stop. Don't you see what he's doing? He's using your own secrets against you. He wants you punished. "

I gripped onto the knife.

"this little shit killed my parents. I don't care how long I end up in prison for, as long as he is dead!"

I lunged towards him and Alec grabbed me.

I groaned and twisted his arm and stabbed the side of his arm. If I was going to kill him then it would be a long painful death.

He winced and I punched him.

"I don't think you'l-"

I screamed


I punched him again. Alec grabbed me and I was weaker than before. He knew my health was detonating and I felt faint.

Ryder and Evan began beating Jacob and he was on the ground filled with blood. I stopped them both.

"he's in enough pain, so I decided that let's allow the organization punish him. "

His eyes widened and he was clearly in pain.

"w...what are you talking about!?"

Not when a second later the lights turned on and Jacob was taken by Jane and Jason.
He was ashamed. The worst punishment for a person is to be taken by the authorities. They are not merciful to those who choose the wrong side.

I realized that killing him, is to kind. I'd rather see him rot.

I was glad with what I did. I needed to see him suffer, and I was glad at the fact I wasn't stupid enough to come to this location alone.

Having something with you or a group of people, doesn't make you weak. There is a strength in numbers after all.

I was just glad that I was able to make the right decision, at the right moment.


A/N OMDD so little time and I need to finish the book today.. Pressure like seriously. So sorry, this chapter and the next few will be rushed. I may decide to shorten the last few chapters so I can finish them all today, from 2030 words to 1100, which isn't a HUGE well it kinda is, but this book needs to finish today so... Yeah idk yet but most likely so I can finish all the chapters today :)



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