Chapter Eleven

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We accept the love we think we deserve - Stephen Chbosky

I opened my eyes, but I was welcomed by the one place I really couldn't afford to be in.

The whole room was white and there was a bright light, I knew exactly where I was, but I kinda wanted it to be my imagination.

Looking around, I saw Ryder, Alec and Evan all looking tense and worried. I wanted to reassure them that everything would be fine, but just as I was about to speak, a pain soared through my chest.

Alec was the nearest and ran over to me. Worry clearly evident on his face, he asked

"Sweetheart are you okay?"

Instead of talking I did a slight nod. But then I realized something. Normal hospitals don't have chandeliers and paintings as well as photographs. Once I had fully regained my head space, i realized that i had no idea where I was.

The only good thing about this, is if I have no clue where I am, neither will Jacob.

I wanted answers as to why he did betray everything he taught me practically, but i had a feeling i knew the answer. People would do anything for money, even if it meant going against what you believe in to achieve what is needed.

"guys, erm where am I?"

My voice was scratchy and very sore, Alec gave me a bottle of water, which I drank.

"You are in the white house, but a secret sector of it so Jacob won't find you. "

I nodded.

"Thanks. How did you know not to go to the hospital? "

My voice felt a little better than before so I could speak and it'd hurt less. He was about to speak but Ryder answered for him

"that isn't important right now, you need to tell us why you were going to take down Jacob, Miranda and Tina alone. "

I sighed

"they are my responsibility. "

Evan rolled his eyes

"You know the rules like the back of your hand, and even though I don't know it in as much as depth as you do, I know what your were going to do is against the rules. "

I nodded but still disagreed silently.

"Guys, can we have a moment please?"

The guys agreed and left me and Evan alone.

"EV, I know the risks. I know exactly what I signed up for. "

He sighed.

"You cannot be serious. You didn't sign up for a suicide mission. You are there to protect and serve. "

I knew where he was going with this.

"Bell, you have people worried for you. I cannot fathom why you are so prepared to leave it all behind. "

He didn't get it. Evan was lucky, he still had his parents. Mike was his uncle and his parents did the same job, but with A higher status as their son.

Jane and Jason are amazing parents, so Evan will never understand why I keep leaving places.

"Ev, everything that I form an attachment to, either betrays me or leaves. I like no I prefer going places instead of staying in one because that way I don't lose anything. I just have myself. It's the way it's always been since I was five.

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