Chapter Twelve

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It takes courage to say goodbye. To stare at a thing lost and know it's gone forever, some tears are iron forged - Jay Kristoff Kinslayer

I couldn't believe it,the fact that after everything Bella was still considering fighting that prick.

When she was shot, I felt so helpless, my arms were tied so I couldn't help her, but I swear I would if I could.

But at that moment I couldn't, and I don't know who I should be more mad at, me for being so helpless or that prick for tying me up.

I felt sick to my stomach when the second gun was shot and then when we finally escaped, I decided that after the last conversation we had, I would take her to the white house, upon where I would call a doctor there.

She was my murmuring something, but I couldn't make sense of what she was saying, I called both Evan and Ryder, I knew that they would do the same if they had found her.

The doctor rushed over here and began examining her. My worry was rising when the doctor looked anxious. Like she couldn't be saved.

But she has to be safe.

She just has to be.

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Hours felt like days, and all I wanted was for Bella to wake up. The doctor gave us the information we needed, but her waking up, that was something they couldn't tell us.

She was seriously injured and seemed so peaceful asleep.

There were cuts on her arms, that she must've got when escaping that place. And of course the shooting. When the killer came, I thought that they'd come after me.

But how wrong I was. I couldn't help but wonder.. Was this whole thing a set up? What if the prick only wanted Bella dead? And me.. I was just a distraction.

I hated to admit it, but the more I thought about it, it started to make more sense. Bella came here for the sole purpose of protecting me.

But then, by doing that, who protects her? She was and still is, so concerned of my wellbeing that she isn't even thinking about herself.

What if that was the plan all along? To make Bella completely focused in me, so they could pull the rug and kill her?

Which ever way I looked at it, it was still a dick move.

I couldn't believe that anyone would want to hurt Bella. She was different... Her caring nature, her everything, it was a shock that anyone wanted to hurt her.

I wanted to be there to protect and the only time I could, I was trapped. I just had to be completely tied up, that was one of the worst moments of my life.

I hate Jacob, Tina and Miranda. I have the opportunity to kill them, but I couldn't, Bella would never look at me the same.

Tina was a crazy bitch I had hoped after the break up, she'd gain some decency and leave me alone. But noo,she had to go and almost kill one of the most important people in my life.

I still couldn't believe it, I never knew That Tina was even capable of murder. She is the type of person, when we were dating to freak over a broken nail.

Yet, now she's a full cold blooded killer, this was a shock. I guess you really think you know people, but then they surprise you.

As well as the fact, that they are not worth going prison for. I need them to be jailed or even sentenced to death, if they still do that here. I couldn't believe they are getting away with it all.

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