Chapter Sixteen

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The truth is messy. It's raw and uncomfortable, you can't blame people for preferring to lie. ~ Holly Black The Red Glove

9 months later... (A/N no she isn't pregnant)

She actually said yes. I was completely freaking out. Everything needed to be perfect and I think she realized that.

When she said yes, I felt ecstatic, words couldn't do how I felt justice.

I was fixing out my tie and I was very nervous. Today was the day, we say our vows. Today's the day everyone who didn't already, knows that Bella Marie Ackerman will become Bella Marie Williamson.

That made me feel complete. She loved me and I loved her, it made me not only sound completely whipped. But also a great fiancé according to Kaitlyn.

I had no idea if she was being honest, but at that moment I wanted her to be. Bella meant everything to me and always will.

I was excited as well as freaking out. Everything was in place. I decided that Ryder deserved to be my best man.

Ryder had always been there for Bella when I never could, he helped her in so many ways. He has always been there for her, whether it was for a helping hand, or to be there as a supporting best friend.

I'll admit, I was a little hesitant about him at first, because he kissed Bella. But then he explained to me why he did it. In a weird way, it seemed justified.

He did it to save Bella. And no matter what I felt, I knew he had her best interests at heart and that is the true meaning of a friend that Bella deserves.

Her whole life, people that mean the most to her have been taken away from her, like her parents, friends, her boss, the people she trusted. Loved, I only hope that one day she can restore what was lost.

It is surprising even to this day that Bella decided to stay with me. I knew that long distance relationships never last, but we would've gone around it. We would've found a way.

But honestly, I was glad she chose to stay. Because to me, that meant that she chose me over all the other possibilities that she could have had.

That made my life change perspective. If Bella can change her life goal, I could to. I was one hundred percent committed to this relationship and I knew she was too.

Without anyone like Tina, Jacob or that annoying brat Miranda I can finally be at peace. No one can ruin anything for us. Not anymore.

My old friend, well we lost contact and Ryder has been there for a lot of intense moments in my life. Things change and although some change isn't great, it opens doors for the right opportunity.

I was a big believer that everything happens for a reason, so I knew that God must've made everything happen so u can appreciate what I have right now.

Evan was the ring bearer and Kaitlyn and Brianna were both them the maid of honors, I didn't even know that you could do that really.

The rest of her friends and mine were merged into the wedding.

My father was and still is so proud of me. He viewed Bella as his own, and now it would be official. He put it on himself that he would walk down the aisle with Bella she was of course completely honored.

Walking down the aisle with the president. That is a sentence you don't hear every day.
It was one of the best moments of my life, was when she said yes and now today will be perfect. Nothing can ever change that. Like literally.

Evan and Ryder came in the room, to make sure everything was perfect. All I wanted was to see Bella, but no one would let me
Because of that stupid ritual thing.

There is no way Bella is as nervous as me.

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Everything was in order and I couldn't help but feel as though I was missing something. My mind was everywhere.

I wanted tonight to be the best moment in my life. Alec's father had offered to walk me
Down the aisle and I was honored.

But now, that added to the pressure. What if I tripped? If my ha-

"girl, you're going to go crazy with all the worst possible scenarios that are running through your mind right now.

Please. Calm down. Oh and here's your something blue. "

I was a little less freaked out, and Kaitlyn placed the blue brooch on the left side of the dress.

I fell in love with this dress the minute I laid my eyes on it. The design was completely intricate and detailed.

Even the plain areas were breathtaking. I was lucky enough that this dress was my size, because it was a one of a kind dress.

I mean I could've tailored it, but it wouldn't be the same. This way, it felt as though, the dress was made for me.

Lord help me, I could not afford any mess ups today.

It was so easy for Alec. He cannot be as stressed as I am right now.

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I wanted to see Bella so bad, but it turns out patience is a good thing, because Bella was coming in less than three minutes.

I waited until the music had started and the whole church stood up. The door opened and I heard the footsteps of a little munchkin, the child was throwing rose petals. It was adorable.

The Rose were pink and white, to match the theme.

She was called Brittany and she was an adorable child that was Brianna's and her boyfriends name I could never remember.

Brittany is four years old and I couldn't help but wonder I was ever going to have a child with Bella.

A few minutes later, Bella was face to face with me and I knew that this had to be the best moment if my life.

Today was the day I can finally make Bella my wife.

"....... I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride. "

I didn't need telling twice, I pulled her cloth thing up and did the one thing I have been waiting to do since I saw her.


A/ N okays sorry, a little rushed but one chapter to go and for any confusion on the whole Catch Me ordeal, re read the last authors note.

It will explain everything.



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