Chapter Seven

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Bella Ackerman

Without suffering there would be no compassion - Nicholas Sparks A Walk To Remember

When I woke up, I was in my room, I was confused. Wasn't I just.. Actually I don't remember what I was doing.

Miranda came to my room. She apologised for going out with Alec, but I reassured her that it was okay, he wasn't my boyfriend, I had no right to interfer.

I still wasn't sure of Miranda wanted to kill Alec, but she seemed to really care for him, so maybe Jacob was wrong.

But the thing is, Jacob is never wrong. So either he is covering the truth or got a fake tip off.

She left content, but kept asking me how I was, too many times for me not to question it. Alec came into the room and he hugged me.

He wasn't supposed to form an attachment with me.

"Alec. Please.. Get off. "

He nodded and smiled at me, okay now I was confused didn't he hate me the other day? I bet it has to do with whatever happened yesterday.

Great, another mystery to solve.

He kept apologising and asking if I was okay, I knew something was up. It's crazy to think that there wasn't something happening.

"Alec. You were mad at me? What happened last night? I can't remember anything from what happened. Everything is a blur. "

He looked unfazed and said

"it's best you don't remember. "

I rolled my eyes and scoffed

"fine. Goodbye Alec, i kinda need to rest. "

He nodded and Left. Except I lied to him, I don't need to rest, I need answers. The only way to do that is to figure out what happened yesterday.

I climbed out of the Window and jumped off the ledge. I landed on the grass and walked past my garden and left my house.

I didnt know where I was going. All I knew was that I had to find answers. I could her come face to face with the killer yesterday or even seen their face.

Enough was enough, If no one would tell me then I would have to find out for myself.

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I started walking around, to see if anything would trigger my memory. But it was useless. I knew I needed answers, maybe I was on a mission, so Jacob would have to know.

I walked to his place and needed him to give me the answers I needed. Except, before I could go to his place, something grabbed me.

Their hand covered my mouth, so my screams would be useless. I groaned. Except weirdly enough, it was exactly what I needed.

Because, then everything came flashing back. The person tired to drag me in the car, but I kicked them. With my full force.

That surprised them, so whilst they were trying to hide their clear pain, I turned around and was face to face with a mask.

They injected something into me and I was weaker. I grabbed a nearby rock and tried to throw it at them, but they grabbed onto my hands preventing me to do so.

They, whoever it was, knew that wearing me down, would weaken me, but what do they want with me? I couldn't help but wonder what I could prevent the murder.

I felt as though I washing to faint and just when I was about to lose consciousness, they grabbed a knife and started slicing my skin, the blood loss lead me black out.

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