Wrong decision

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I woke up on my stomach and noticed Drake was no longer by my side. I began to freak out. What if his dad took him back? What if someone came in and captured him and possibly killed him? I began to hyperventilate. My god..... OH MY GOD! "Babe, calm down. What's wrong?" I heard Drake's voice and immediately turned around. "You scared the hell out of me! Where did you go?" "Bathroom." Of course. I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed. "I'm sorry. If you want to, you can get in the shower with me." He said while hugging me. I rolled my eyes and hugged him back and pushed him back. "Do me a favor and stay next to me." "Honesta?" "Bullcrap." We laughed a little before I got up and opened the door. "Yes?" I said coldly to my mother. She sighed and came in. "Please, sit down." I sat next to her on my bed as she looked at me and caressed my face."I just want you to know what I did was out of anger. I would never willingly hit you. I love you." "I love you too, mama." I gave her a hug and smiled knowing doing the right thing. "I have good news." "What is it?" "Well, Drake's father has agreed to meet with us and try to settle this thing so there won't be a war." I looked at her in astonishment. She winked at me and stood. "See you and Drake tonight. 6 pm sharp." "Thank you." I said before she left. This was fantastic! I silently cheered before falling back on my bed. "You're happy." I looked at Drake who was lying on his side looking at me. "You heard the news?" He smiled and nodded. "This is amazing. Now we can be together, get married, have kids-" "Wait! Whoa. No kids." I looked at him skeptically but wrapped my arms around his neck. "Why not?" "Kids are just too much. I'll get you a dog." "I want kids." "Cat?" "Kids." "Turtle?" "You get to sex me up all you want before we have them." His face turned completely around. "Maybe kids can work." I rolled my eyes and hugged him close.

"Stop." I giggled and whined. "Please?" "No. It's too soon. My birthday's tomorrow. After that, the wait will be shorter." "What wait?" He asked outraged. "My 18 year wait. I'll give it to you when I'm 18 but for now, you can do all the stuff in between." He nodded and climbed on top of me, tickling me in the process. "You know you're tickling me! You're a jerk." "And you love it." He said and bit my bottom lip. I was seriously just giggling the entire time. He kept kissing from my lips to my neck down my arms and legs then back. It was romantic but wierd. A demon in love? I shoule make a story about this. I kissed him and he responded quickly before I moved my lips to his neck. "We're playing this game?" He asked with amusement. "I guess so." I said and licked his neck. I could hear him breathing heavily which actually pleasured me. I bit down causing him to squeeze on my thigh. To be honest, I didn't want to leave. The clock said 5:54 but my heart is telling me it's never-leaving:30. I moaned from pleasure and annoyance. "Drake, we have to go now. We're going to be late." "Okay. Just five more minutes." "It's 5:54." "Five more minutes. Please?" I rolled my eyes and nodded before he kissed me again. I smiled and laughed while he bit my fingers repeatedly. "Come on. We're late." I grabbed his hand and rushed out the door. When we reached the dining hall, everyone looked at us as we laughed a bit. "Sorry we're late. We had to talk about, uhm, stuff." "Yes, because both your lips had to get so close for that secret." I blushed at my mother's comment and sat down. Unfortunately, Drake sits across from me but he's trying so hard to get my attention.

"Stop kicking my foot." I mouthed to him, causing him to smirk and kick even more. "I hate you." "Love you too." I rolled my eyes and heard my brother scoff. "Is there a problem, Hatorus?" He looked at me and glared slightly before returning to his food. "So, about the war, I believe we should settle it now so the kids can be together. What do you think, Lucifer?" My mother said and gestured for me to sit straight. I did as told and watched Drake's father think. He gave a wicked grin and looked to me. "I would rather see her perish." He stated. My jaw dropped and my anger flared. I stood slowly even though I kept getting warning glances from all around. "I'd rather see you die in the dark abyssal ruins which is your soul." He vanished and reappeared in front of me in a fiery blaze. He was tall. Almost 7 feet tall to be exact. Good thing this house is 11 feet tall and 11 feet wide. He stared at me before grasping my neck and holding me up to eye level. "How about this: me and you battle. On my grounds and yours. Who ever dies, loses. Deal?" Is it a deal. Would I sacrifice my life for Drake? I punched him in the nose and he dropped me to the ground but I was caught in Drake's arms. "It's a deal. I want to see you tomorrow afternoon. 7 O' clock." "You're a foolish one aren't you? 7 O' clock." He shook my hand and disappeared. Drake rushed me out of the room and into the lounge. "You fucked up! You messed the fuck up!" He said, pacing back and forth as I sat on the sofa. "What's the big deal? So what, it's the devil. I want to fight that bastard and get the respect I deserve." "Honesta, you don't get it. He has no mercy for anyone. If you were my mate or not, he will kill you. I can't let him do that." Holy crap. What have I gotten into? I can't back out now. It's too late. I'm so dead.

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