Heat and hurt

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Drake woke up with a force on his lower abdomen and stirred a bit. His eye slowly opened, revealing Honesta sitting on him. "Honesta, what are you doing?" He asked in a sleepy voice which made her yearn for him more. She smiled warmly when she really just wanted to relive last nights events. "Drake, I want you to do me a favor. A big one." She said into his ear. He shivered a bit before nodding. He was nervous of her request but her lust seemed to be contagious. "I want you to have your way with me. I want you to do what you please with me and make me a slave to you." He looked at her and noticed her eyes were purple which meant she wasn't herself. He shook his head and rested his hands on her hips. "Honesta, you have to control yourself." "I can't! Knowing you're right here just gives me urges that I can't control and..... My god! I need you so bad!" She said while running her hands down his chest. He was close to giving in from the lust he still had stored but he had tobe strong. He shook his head and grabbed her hands. He flipped them over and held her hands above her head. She was expecting him to pleasure her as he did last night but not this time. He brought flame ropes to his hands and quickly tied her hands and legs to the bed post. "Drake!" She whined from anger and pain of not having her mate to comfort her. It hurt him a bit but he thought this was for the better. "Don't try to move or you'll be burned." She froze in place but had came up with an idea. She began to cry heavily causing Drake to react hysterically. She bit th inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. "I'm sorry! I just can't control it. Can you please let me go and I'll try to stop?" He looked at her closely. She batted her eyelashes before he groaned and snapped his fingers, causing the ropes to vanish. "Thank you." She said and sat up with grace.

She stared at him and he stared back. He had no idea what was going on but she was pretty certain of the idea. She used her siren powers and convinced his demon that he was not fully satisfied and he needed to mate with her once again. His heart began to beat faster and his demon broke through with a great force. She smiled, happy with herself before being tackled on her back by the forceful creature. "Hello my darling. Did you miss me?" He smirked at her before nibbling on her neck. "More than you know." She managed to say while tangling her fingers into his hair. Drake, somewhere in the demon's black soul, was trying to stop before anymore damage was done. He would do anything he could he help her but this was just too sudden. He gasped as he was finally back and pulled away. "Honesta, I need you to stop. Maybe tomorrow we can try again but for now, you're going insane." She whimpered at the fact he had snapped at her but she knew he was right. She was going to kill him before this thing was even over. I'm such a horrible person, she thought while walking towards her warbrode. She slipped on her black and blue laced undergarments and a long black tank top along with jean shorts and low heel sandals. "Let's go eat breakfast. After you put on some clothes." She giggled but bit her lip from temptation. But who wouldn't. He was built perfectly but didn't over do it like most guys. His hair which was once long in sow short making him look more sexy than before and, well, he's naked. He just pulled on his recent clothing and took her hand in his. Her breath began to pick up speed as his body heat just sent her over the edge.

She washed those thoughts away and nodded knowing something stupid would leave her lips. Hatorus and his mother sat in the kitchen eating breakfast peacefully until his mate entered with a book from their library. "Marel, what do you have?" Hatorus and his mother sat up straight as she pushed the book in their direction. They had no idea whatthey were lookingat or what she was so freaked out. "I looked up how dangerous sirens can truly be and it seems they go into a cycle called "fase interna lujuria".  They say it causes her to have a sexual appetite for her mate or anyone in particular but the only way for it to end is if she is impregnated." Hatorus and his mother sighed and he ran a hand down his face. "But she's too young. She can just hold off, right?" "Unfortunately, no. If she doesn't get her needs fulfilled, she goes on a rampage and destroys anything in her path. If she doesn't get through this, she'll have to eaither be sent far away into the ocean depths or we have to kill her." Hatorus sighed as his mother was on the edge of tears. They heard light footsteps and soon Drake and Honesta entered. Her mother walked closer to them and grabbed Drake's hand. "I must speak with you." She pulled Drake into the lounge, leaving only him and Honesta of great confusion. "Yes Anabelle?" He asked with a small bow which she gave a small grin to but she had other important matters to tend to. "Drake, you know how much my daughter means to me and how much I love her." "Yes, I do ma'am." He replied with a smile. Who wouldn't love Honesta, he thought. She is beautiful, smart and has an amazing personality. Anabelle placed her hand on his shoulder and stepped forward. "I wish I could keep her in  my protection until she is of the coming age but I can't  due to her cycle." "Yes, it began last night." She sighed and ran a finger through her hair. "So you know what you must do?" He nodded and faked a frown. He truly wanted Honesta all to himself but if this is how they were to connect, he didn't want it. It was confusing for him but he believed that the child she will carry will  bring them closer as mates and a family. "Good because we just looked into it a bit more and it says that if her needs aren't fulfilled, she'll go on a rampage and we'll mostly likely have to kill her and have her live in the ocean freely." She gave him a sympathetic look and hugged him before stepping back.

"Anabelle, I'll do my best to make sure none of that happens." "Good because I-" "I'm finished eating, come on." Honesta rushed out and grabbed Drake's hand, not caring her mother and him were talking just moments before. She was blinded by her overgrowing feelings which gnawed at her insides like a piranha."Honesta! Slow down! Where are we going?" Drake asked as they exited the building. "To Earth. I have a surprise for you." She grinned while he tried to hide his. She teleported them into the same area they had their first date. "Honesta, why-" "Shhh." She said and brought her hand to his face. "Babe, I-" "I love you. I love everything about you. I love the way your skin is so soft, your hair is so dark and silky, your eyes sparkle like the stars. I love the way you kiss me and how you feel when we mate. I just love every single thing about you. I can't control how I feel." And it was true. She said every word from her heart and looked Drake in his eyes so he could confirm it was the truth. "I love you too." He said and gave her a passionate kiss. He was about to deepen it but she pulled back quickly. "Tomorrow. I promised I would stop today but tomorrow I have to." He heard her voice break as the feeling and urges got worst. "I need to help you and I'm willing to do what ever it takes to do so." He said and ran a finger through her hair. She smiled thankfully and kissed him with all her strength.

Marel closed the book after reading the shocking facts and stood from the table to reveal the news. "Anabelle, I have more information." "What is it, dear?" She sat across from her soon to be mother in law and sighed. "Honesta is 17, correct?" "Yes. Why?" "Based on the book, a young siren is most likely to get pregnant after several months of trying.  So, she may not have a chance of having this child." Anabelle always wanted grandchildren, tons of them, but she was saddened to hear her daughter may never get the one thing she always wanted. "We have to ensure she has the child for the sake of her, Drake and me." "Why you?" "I want my children to have kids so I can be known as grandma for once." She said cheerfully. Marel smiled and opened the book. She had no clue why but she entered the section for demons and read lightly over it and aloud for Anabelle to hear. "On a demon's 18th birthday, he or she will have to go into battle with the notorious succubus. She can transform any demon into a incubus or one of her personal slaves. She can manipulate and make men believe in her bidding just through a dream." She shivered at the thought of that and hit the bokk over her head. "Why?! Everything is going to be ruined." She whined with her head in her hands. "Marel, what's going on?" Anabelle said, walking over toher and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Drake, he is 18. He has to battle her and leave Honesta for god knows how long." Anabelle gasped. This is not good, she thought and prayed he was not chosen to battle the creature.

"Oh my god." Honesta said and hugged Drake close, not wanting to let go. "I love you so much but I have to go." He said and kissed her head lightly. "Please! Please don't." She cried into his shoulder and he pulled back to look her in the eyes. "Honesta, babe, I love you but I was destined to do this. I'll be back soon, I promise. No matter what, don't try to mate with anyone else while I'm away. Promise me." She nodded her head and kissed him again. "I swear. I wish you can reason with your father about this." "I wish I could but it was finalized not too long ago. I'll miss you." He said and held on tighter to her waist. She turned around so her back was now to him and put her hands on top his his. "I wonder if I'm pregnant now." "Do you have any urges?" She didn't. The feelings weren't there any longer but she still had a bit of a feeling towards something. "No but I can't help but feel something's wrong." She shrugged it off and stood slowly along with him. "I think we should go before it gets any darker." She giggled as they've been their from 10 am to 6 pm. They went back to her home and he kissed her lightly before leaving. She wanted to cry. To pull him back and make sure he had no choice but to stay. She whimpered as she walked up to her room and saw her mother and Marel smiling shyly and sadly to her. "I need to go to the hospital."

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