Secrets from the playground

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I sat with a dumbfounded look on my face and held onto Drake's hand. "Calm down. We can figure out something." "We can't. I'm going to die." I said and looked down that I made a horrible decision. "No you won't. I have an idea." He said with a smile. "Drake, we made the agreement just yesterday and I only have an hour left before I go to fight him. Just let it go and let me die." "You are not dying!" He snapped. I flinched and he apologized. "But here. When he's weak, stab this in his heart. He'll die pretty quick and stay dead." He handed me a silver upside down cross. "How do I know when he's weak?" "You'll know when you feel out of your body." Out of my body? This is starting to confuse me. "What do you me-" "Honesta, it's time." I sighed and nodded to Ursel who appeared. "Be careful. He can trick your mind so try to stay focused." I nodded and kissed him before heading out the door. There he stood. A smirk on his face and a scythe in hand. I grabbed my double bladed sword and dragged it along side me. "So, you really pulled through with this? You can't wait to die can't you?" "I suggest you shut the hell up before I kill you right now." I pointed the blade to his face and he only laughed. "Begin!" He yelled. I losed my eyes as I felt the atmosphere change. I opened my eyes and saw we were in the sea. The town just behind us. I growled as my fangs and claws grew back and my tail appeared as my hair grew longer and my eyes changed so I could see my surroundings better. He summoned a mask too his face and began to speak. "I knew you were a monster but can you beat me?"  I snapped my at him and charged with my blade. He dodge it quickly and I rebounded with a swipe of my tail. He smirked at me as I smirked back. He didn't know the ocean like I did. We protected ourselves from water because we can't inhale it (most can) and those sea monsters people say don't exsist are real. Battle between me and Lucifer. Need back up immediately. I said telepathically. I soon saw the other sirens crowd around him and wrap their tales on his limbs.

"What the fu-" I let out a yell as I sliced my blade over his chest. His yell was pleasure to me. I did once again before jabbing my nails into his chest.

"Adiós demonio, adiós a usted. Su alma pueda descansar en la oscuridad y la desesperación, mientras que su corazón va a morir solo y frío. Dios será implacable y fuerte mientras que usted está completamente avergonzado por sus pecados."

We chanted as we circled him and he began to grow pale and skinny. He was weak but why don't I feel out of my own body yet? I stabbed him in the back and sliced down to his waist. A loud growl was heard and I immediately turned. A large eye was in my sights and I grew fearful. It was one of the 400 krakens that lived. I swan back wards as it screeched again. This can't be good. We disturbed it's peace. I saw Lucifer nearly dead and with a snap of his fingers, we were in his playground. I noticed I had my legs back and my fangs and claws were gone. He slowly got up and his scars were healed only to have new ones in his back. Wings sprung from them and I gasped as his strength returned. "How?" I asked breathlessly. "I'm stronger that you. I'm faster than you. You can try as hard as you want but you'll never beat me!" He slapped me and I flew to the other side of the street. It was an abandoned town and just us two. I slowly got up and supported myself with a light pole. Babe? I gasped and tried to stall by running. "Drake? Are you here?" No. I'm talking to you telepathically. Listen to me, you may feel some pain but don't freak out. "Don't freak out? Pain? What do you me- Ugh! OH MY GOD!" I screamed to the top of my lungs while stopping. I felt my soul grow some more but it wasn't mine that grew. "Hello darling." I heard the words slip from my lips and felt a smirk mentally. Drake was in my body. What the hell?! "Stay back and let me fight." I didn't disobey as he was already aiming to his father. "Dad!" The beast turned and walked closer to us. "So, Drake, you decided to finally watch this bitch die?" "Yes. I was always ready to see you die." BURN! I screamed mentally. Drake summoned a flame axe and I screamed with pain. Even if he did take over, it hurt my body. He growled before exiting my body and appearing next to me. "Let me kill this bastard." I noticed his voice was darker and evil. His eyes burned red and his fangs were sharp and glistening. "Drake?" He turned to me and walked closer to me. "The little girl wants to save her mate? Well, babe, he's gone." He stepped closer to me and grabbed me by my neck. I gasped for air and kicked at him but he held me higher from the ground and squeezed tighter. "Stop!" I screamed and felt my own demon appear. My vision blurred with a new view. A view of everything evil and I must destroy it. I smirked before turning to a water dragon and attacking him. I scooped him in my mouth and spit him back up to the ground. He groaned as I turned back to normal and landed on top of him. "I want you to perish. I want you to beg for your life." I said while punching him. He grabbed my arms and tossed me into a nearby building. I got up while moaning in pain and he just takled me back into it. I watched as if father sat on top of a roof moving his fingers in a puppet like motion. He was controlling him. "Drake, stop!" I said but he used his claws to slash my cheek. Three large gashes remained. I grabbed his hand before he could try again and grabbed his other one then headbutted him. He fell to the ground and I climbed on top of him. His eyes were closed and his hands were relaxed along with his face. I felt no pulse and got worried. "Drake? Drake, babe, wake up. Wake up." I siad holding his face and trying to examine him. His eyes slowly opened and they were white. I gasped as he collapsed to the ground and his father reappeared laughing. "What did you do?!" I yelled while standing up. "I got rid of that useless bastard. Now I'm one step away from killing you." He picked up Drake by his arm and I yelled repeatedly. "Stop! Leave him alone! Please! I'll do anything." I began to cry and grabbed Drake's leg, trying to pull him away from the monster he once called his father. "Anything?" "Yes. Just please." I begged and wiped my stray tears.

He tossed him to the ground like he was nothing and I rushed to his side. "Drake! Wake up, please." I begged and kissed his face repeatedly. "I need one favor from you but I must gove you this information first." "What is it?" I said trying to sound strong. "Your brother's mate, Ursel, she was once part of my realm. She aked of me to kill you and I obliged. I was almost killed when I said I respected my son a little more for standing up to me for your love. I agreed because she used my weaknesses against me and now I ask of you to murder her." I stared at him shocked. Lucifer, the all mighty, wants me to kill someone for him? I slowly nodded and held up one hand for him to wait. "Fix. Him." I demanded angrily. He nodded and held out one hand. I stared confused as nothing happened but soon, I saw his wounds heal and his eyes opened. They changed from white to red and finally green. "Drake!" I squealed and kissed his face repeatedly while he chuckled and hugged me. "Thank you." "No problem. Now, finish the job or else." "You won't do shit." Drake glared and his father shrugged before disappearing. "What was that ab-" "I'm so glad you're okay! I thought I lost you!" I said while I hugged him tighter. When he pulled back, his eyes widened as he traced the scars on my cheek. "Did he do this?!" He hissed through his fangs. I put my hands on his chest and shook my head. "It was...... You." I said and saw his face soften and he began hitting himself in the head. "Dammit! I'm so fucking stupid!" "You are not stupid! You were brainwashed. I don't blame you nor hate you for it. To be honest, it was sexy but right now we have to find Ursel and kill her. For your dad." He groaned and agreed. Ursel, you evil bitch.

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