0.1 | The boys are back in town

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The sound of a screeching car on pavement sliced through the house, followed by the illuminating brightness of headlights which provided a stark contrast to the midnight darkness of the room. Piercing and shrill, the sound cautioned the girl from moving beyond her room. Minutes before she had been asleep, burrowed comfortably in her bed, dreaming ignorantly. Now, however, she rose, groggily wiping her squinting eyes.

By now the noise had died down, but the glaring light shone brighter through the windows, making the shadows in the room long and angular. Slowly, she slid off her bed, ears open for any sounds in the house. Nothing replied to the soft treading of feet against the frayed carpet. Only silence.

It was amazing what her mum could sleep through.

Sharp and low, her breaths filled up the silence of the room. From beyond the window she could hear noise, faint murmurs of voices and laughter. She stepped closer, her feet slow and unsure.

Peeking over the side of the window, the girl tried to remain invisible to the person who was outside. A small broken-looking car was in the driveway, its engine humming slightly as its headlights shone into her eyes. A few figures were outside, talking quietly to one another. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to see who they were but the light was too blinding.

Instinctively, her hands straightened the plant pots on the ledge of the window. Her skin almost glowed under the glare of headlights.

"Hey!" A voice shouted from outside, making her jump sharply. Darting back into her room, she let out a loud exhale before taking a step forward again. Her mind frantically tried to reassure her that no, this was not what her mind was imagining: these people were not some kind of British ninjas. Everything was okay.

Taking in one deep breath she reappeared at the window, showing herself. "Who is it?" she tried to shout, though it came out as more of a mumble. Someone sighed. A guy chuckled. And a high pitched voice told them off.

"Come on, Violet!" The same voice said but this time the girl, now known as Violet, recognised it. His voice had definitely got deeper from when she last met him, but the whining in her brother's mouth was still there. Never would it fade away.

Biting back a sigh Violet counted to ten, her hands slowly unclenching the less she thought about what was going on. "What the hell." she managed to mutter to herself, before walking briskly out of the room, down the stairs and through the front door. Her mother had left the key in the keyhole like she normally did, making it easy for Violet to escape whenever she wanted. Whenever she needed.

She could see everyone's faces now - the light illuminated her brother's soft round features. A boy that she vaguely recognised stood behind him, the brightness carving shadows into his face while making his copper hair glow. And right next to him was Violet's friend, Mia, her copper hair matching her brother's, a wide toothy grin set on her face. She was trying not to look guilty.

"What the fu-" Violet's brother interrupted her, his brown eyes almost pitch black in the dark.

"Vi, what have I told you about your language?" he joked, slapping her on the back and making his sister gasp from the pain. She didn't respond, instead shooting him a glare.

"Cole, why are you here?" she finally managed to ask. She was trying to make herself sound tired, annoyed by his presence. Violet didn't have to hide her anger towards him. That could never be truly masked.

"For your birthday."

"My birthday's in a month."

"Well - I'm being organised."

Rolling her eyes she tried to fight back a small smile. It was almost like he hadn't left. "For once."

A sharp wind rustled through the driveway, making Violet shiver and swaying her baggy pyjamas that had once belonged to some guy at school. Her eyes glanced at Mia and her brother, curiously wondering why they were here as well.

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