0.5 | Born to be wild

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A slight dusting of grey had adorned the sky, the evening appearing too suddenly for anyone's liking. Everyone was cramped around the unlit fireplace; Cole typing notes for the competition on his phone while Mia peered over his shoulder. Occasionally she would give an encouraging nod, as if he needed her approval, but he just ignored her. Aiden was smiling softly at them, simply enjoying the moment. Violet joined him.

"So," she said, tugging her pyjama top away from her – only slightly - smelly body, "is lux-ville in love?" Violet's gaze was focused on her brother and while she would feel uncomfortable if Cole actually did answer truthfully, she did find it slightly amusing seeing Mia's slight agitation. It was subtle, but nevertheless it was there.

Trying to look unfazed, Cole gave his sister a big grin. However he couldn't help but shift in his seat, his gaze turning onto something to occupy his time with. He took out some matches for the fire, waiting a few seconds before replying, "I'm happy to say lux-ville is happily single and ready to-"

Aiden swiftly interrupted, "I swear, if you say 'mingle'."

"Jingle." Cole's answer was carefully spoken, his large thumb flicking the lighter on and off repeatedly as he spoke. Each time he tried, the spark wouldn't appear. He looked like an idiot. And he full well knew it.

"Jingle?" Mia questioned, finally speaking up from her small cocoon of silence and solitude. She frowned at not just Cole but the group in general. Then again, it didn't take much for her to get confused. Violet felt like the majority of their friendship was her having to just explain everything that was going on, otherwise Mia would just be lost the entire time. So no, putting it plainly, it did not take much confusion for Mia to find herself off-track.

Squaring his shoulders, Cole puffed out his chest in one deep breath. No one really knew where this conversation was going; he liked that. For once. "If I want to jingle, I have every right to."

Violet leant forward, suddenly curious. "To jingle what?"

Cole elapsed into silence, not bothering to hide his devious smile. He looked like a small child who had done something wrong, bringing Violet back to when he used to endlessly prank her as kids. Hw would always wait for his unassuming sister, the same smile planted onto his face, and watch as she fell for it. Still thinking, Cole tried to hit the lighter with his thumb again but no sparks flared from the mechanism. Never would he get the hang of it.

Sighing, Violet leant down to help him. "Here," she muttered, more out of frustration that anything, flicking it on in one quick go. A smug grin spread across her face.

"Show off."

"Or just more intelligent."

Cole sighed, moving back to his prior seat next to Mia and getting comfortable. The girl's recently flaming cheeks had died down a bit, but Mia still couldn't look anyone directly in the eyes yet. Violet hadn't seen her this embarrassed since she jokingly implied she had turned to her cousin, Harriet. Bating not only to the other side, but with the family, as she so delicately put it. At the time Mia had over-reacted slightly and regrettably said some pretty pathetic comebacks as a way of showing her hurt. It was regrettable, though, in a way where all Violet did afterwards was make fun of how stupid her friend sounded. It was a typical Mia moment.

It took Violet a while to snap out of her daze, her mind slowly flicking back to thoughts of school and into the present moment. She was surprised her mum had let her off school; her ideology was education first and social life thrown into the grave. But that's what her mother liked to do: instruct and demand with compassion coming at the very last of her agenda.

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