0.8 | Bohemian rhapsody

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It seemed Violet had spent a good chunk of her day stuck in one car or another. She wasn't quite sure if Cole had allowed it, but Aiden had taken his mess of a car and driven it all the way to find her. The selfish part of her relished how special this made her feel. How special it would make anyone feel.

However, a small part of Aiden was beginning to regret the long haul there and back when he was confronted with a long expanse of road ahead. Time was not their friend, nor was the morning traffic. Aiden firmly held the steering wheel, his knee anxiously bouncing as he drove.

"Sorry about this." She mumbled under her breath, her fingers picking at her pyjama bottoms as she spoke. Violet had to admit that her outfit of choice - pyjamas - was becoming a bit of an unhealthy habit recently. However, she simply didn't have the energy to care anymore.

Aiden shrugged, leaning his head against the rest board before answering. "Doesn't matter," he said, but seeing the unbelieving look Violet gave him he added, "Really. It doesn't. A lot of things matter. Mia, my sexy hair and tea dunking are at the top of that list. This - this is right near the bottom." Violet couldn't help but smile, something she could never stop herself from doing with him around. Without looking at her, Aiden reflected her own grin and relaxed a bit more against his seat.

"Not many people realise this. But tea dunking is an art." The main reason Violet decided to speak was the happiness she felt about being able to make some sort of conversation. For too long she had been confined to the solitude of silence.

"Agreed," Aiden said while nodding his head, "I base whether I like a person or not on how they dunk. Someone I knew dunked a white chocolate finger in their tea. I will never take that moment back."

"Oh, who was it?"

"Don't know. I didn't bother to talk to them again."

The two spent way too much time discussing on the subject. The vast array of opinions was startlingly strong and, as Aiden put it, the masterpiece of dunking was probably more important for the couple than world peace. There was the inferiority of Rich Tea's to Digestive biscuits, the quick and painful experience of meeting someone who had dunked Oreo's, custard creams and tea cakes, as well as the crucial timing of dunking said biscuit. It was a matter of great importance. They could have talked about it for days.

However, some matters had to be addressed. Before long they had unwittingly wondered onto the topic that was weighing on both Aiden's and Violet's minds so heavily - the competition. "Do you think they're practising?" Violet asked and he quickly nodded in answer. Sighing, she realised how this was the only option for Cole. Of course he was practising. Violet tried to shove back her own thought of how, if Cole hadn't been so stubborn, he could have maybe just asked their mum for help. But maybes were never a good process to enter. Not now anyway.

"How did the tune go again?" Aiden asked. Trying to attempt the bass of the song, Violet tapped her hands on the car's headboard.

"Vaguely like this," she suggested. Joining in, he knocked his fingers along to their interpretation of the song. It wasn't an exact replica of the musical tune but it was good enough to recognise. In the end, that was all that mattered.

"Cue drums," Aiden said at the precise point Violet was supposed to play.

"Cue bass," she said, quickly catching on.

"Cue out-of-tune Cole."

"Cue abstract guitar playing."

"Cue build up."

"Cue end."

"Cue everyone's relief."

And that was how the long and tedious car journey was that more bearable. Somehow Aiden had made the time sprint past and before Violet knew it, she was surrounded by familiar landmarks and road signs. "We'll have to try and catch them there," Aiden said, his eyes flicking towards the time on the dashboard. He was right. From the many long conversations the day before, Cole had made sure to drill the times of the competition into everyone's head. They had half an hour. If they arrived after that? It was as good as over. In Violet's eyes, the chances of Cole being fucked were around 50/50.

"We can make it." Aiden repeated under his breath. However, while this reassured him, it only made Violet more nervous. It was hard enough as it was for her - she was still unclear on her overall thoughts about Cole and deep down she knew they weren't going to win anyway. Although, deep down, Violet wasn't sure if she actually cared if they won or not.

Tilting her head back, she tried to clarify the reasons of why she chose to come but they were all just a jumbled blur in front of her. She supposed there were many reasons.

Aiden mumbled a, "Nearly there," just as Violet could see the small clumps of people starting to emerge from the roadside. Each group held a small abundance of instruments and props. While some were brand new, the majority were either hand-me-downs or cheaply bought from a charity shop. All of them wanted to win.

"There! Look!"

Succeeding his shout from inside the car, Aiden quickly rolled down the window and started to shout both his sister's and Cole's name. Frantically, Violet looked around. It didn't take long for her to spot them, her nerves rising.

They were perched on an old craggy wall among a line of other contestants, all waiting to sign in. Following the line of people with her eyes, Violet noticed a large sign pinned above a shabby pub door. Excited people wondered in, their smiles bright yet nervous. Everyone knew that once you entered, you couldn't get out - that is, without inevitable shame.

Cole had pre-warned the group that after they signed in they would be ushered into a small side hall, among the others who were competing, before the audience and judges arrived out in the front. Then, one by one, they would be called in.

Aiden roughly parked the car up and got out, Violet following him in an equal rush as she practically stumbled out. As she looked up at her brother, the only emotion she could see on his face was of pure shock. Given the circumstance, she was fine with that. Cole's mouth was open, his mouth forming a small 'o' as he looked upon his sister. Mia just smiled.

As Violet neared the group, she wasn't quite sure what to say... what to do. That was why it was such a surprise when her brother closed her in quick but tight 'man' hug. "Let's not talk about it. Eh?" He muttered into her ear and she softly nodded in reply. Right now it was for the best.

Taking in Violet's appearance of sleepwear Mia only sighed. After all, she should have gotten used to it by now. "We can roll with this," she said, her voice tired.

The queue moved up. The group moved with it.

"Thanks for coming. We didn't know where Aiden went. Thought he had got cold feet." Cole's voice was raw as he spoke, his endless practising taking his toll on his throat. He slapped his friend on the back and they both laughed.

"It was his idea," Violet pointed out, wanting to make sure Aiden got all the credit. At the very least, he deserved that.

The queue moved up. They were getting closer.

Violet's stomach turned. Her face fell into a grimace which the whole group reflected. The amount of combined nerves within the group was probably enough to charge a whole power station, and it was still building. Aiden tried to smile, grabbing his terrified friend by the shoulder he nodded: "Cole, we can do this. You can do this." Although he nodded, it was more a natural reaction than anything and Aiden noticed that to. "Come on. Remember: crazy is our U.S.P." At that Cole couldn't help but smiled. Doubts still plagued his mind but he knew he could do this. He knew that they all could do this.

The group in front entered the building, leaving Cole, Mia, Violet and Aiden next in line. At this time it would be the perfect moment for Violet to look upon her small band of friends and smile, her opinions on them clear and understandable. However, she was just too nervous to do so. Instead she focused her gaze on the floor below her.

Even if she could, she wouldn't be sure it would be a good idea. Nothing was as plain as she had made out in her head. No, everything was a mess and it would take a lot of time for Violet to understand that. But, in the meantime, she'll just have to go with it. Maybe in the future she could trust her brother, but right now it didn't really matter.

A voice called them in. Violet smiled at the group.

They stepped in.

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