0.2 | Cum on feel the noise

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"I don't know what kind of Johnny Depp that was, but he looked a deformed potato with a moustache."

Ignoring Cole's monologue of the day and plans for the future, Violet clipped the worn seat belt and moved slightly to the left so Aiden was able to remove his. She gave him a small smile which he politely returned. It didn't take long for them both got lost in their whirlwind of thoughts once more.

"Vi, are you listening to me?"

Cole raised his voice, drawing his sister's attention away from her mind and into reality. Seeing that she was now looking at him Cole smiled before hastily starting the ignition. The car let out a loud groan of machinery, but after a few more tries and muttered curse words from nearly everyone present in the car, the gravely hum of the engine started.

"We have six days to get this band ready." Cole said quietly, more like he was talking to himself than anyone else. His fingers tapped the steering wheel in excitement of the range of ideas he was now scheming up in his mind.

"It's impossible," Violet pointed out in a matter-of-fact way. Everyone ignored her.

"What do we need?" her brother asked. Mia was too quick to reply for Violet's liking. There was a bit of chocolate on her friend's face but everyone had silently decided not to comment. She wouldn't have cared anyway. There were very few things Mia had the heart to bother about nowadays.

"Equipment," she said out loud and Cole nodded eagerly. He was finally getting somewhere, for once, and he wasn't quite sure how to deal with this new opportunity.

"A person who can actually sing," Violet piped in, knocking down the level of his optimism just a notch. "Someone who can actually play the drums and the guitar."

Taking in a short breath, she smiled sickly. "Basically... not us."

Cole almost sighed as he spoke. "Aiden. Can you please eliminate the festering negativity in this car?"

Laughing, Mia's brother took the heavy coat that was resting on his lap and slung it over Violet. Trying to escape she let out an array of inaudible yells. The car was quick to fill up with deep uncontrollable chuckles from everyone, apart from Violet. Thrashing her arms around, still in Aiden's coat, Violet breathed heavily under the weight of the fabric. She had finally managed to get the hefty material off, muttering about how this wasn't acceptable, before Cole murmured, "Does it matter?"

Shoving Aiden's coat back into his arms, Violet leant forward to whack her brother hard around the head. "Ow!" he said instinctively, rubbing his hair while trying to maintain some form of driving ability. Looking at his sister through the rear view mirror he laughed. "Your hair is looking super sexy today."

"Likewise," she replied.

"Fantastic comeback."

"Spent all day on it."

"I guessed."

Frowning, Violet slumped back into the car seat, already tired of Cole's antics. Cars sped past them on the motorway, a few beeping at either the slowness of Cole's driving or by how much he seemed to dawdle between the lanes of the road. "This is as fast as it goes," he muttered towards a speeding Mercedes which was overtaking them. The driver, a balding middle aged man, mouthed some words to the group from inside his care. Obviously in a rush he speed on, but made just enough time to give Cole the finger.

In return, he waved.


Coursing through the cold air, a chilling wind swept and swirled past Violet's flushed face. Tugging Mia's jumper around her cold shoulders, she smiled at her friend in thanks - her pre-packing for the occasion was beginning to show and only reinforced Violet's thoughts about how stupid she was being by going along with her brother.

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