The Start of an Uproar (Part 2)

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Peter carefully dropped one tiny drop into the lock of his cell, and the red liquid started to fizzle the gears. He had already burnt off his shackles, and all he needed to do now is get rid of the guards. Thankfully, this potion had dual-propose.

"Hey!" One of the guards yelled as Peter tied a piece of his shirt around his face. The guards were barely able to stand before Peter had thrown the glass vial into the small fire. A bright yellow smoke filled the area, the airborne poison killing all the guards and sending the protected Peter into a coughing fit.

Still, he pushed on to escape the dungeons. He was already out into the night when the alarm bell sounded, a relieved grin showing as he crept into the trees, searching for his sons.

"Father!" Peter heard his son's voice call out before being shushed violently. He followed the voice silently, creeping up on the two boys crouched in the bushes.

"You must work on staying quiet," Peter said ominously, earning two panicked gasps before the boys recognised their father.

"You made it," The elder one said relieved.

"Everything went as planned. Now where is the safe haven?" And so the three trekked their way to the lower town, stopping at an inn called, "The Harlot's Dance" which seemed to be packed full of people.

"But aren't we staying with mother at The Rising Sun?" The twelve year old piped up as the three say down at one of the many tables.

"You two are going to stay with her there, to make sure she doesn't get up to anything. I assume she's bound now?" The eldest nodded, "Good. Tonight, I want to meet the people who know the truth, that witchcraft is sin!"Peter shouted the last sentence, standing and pounding his fist on the table. Tipsy people around him yelled in agreement.

"King Arthur has been cursed to believe that magic can do us no harm! He plans to ruin our way of life! And we need to join together to stop him!" The men all around were yelling in agreement, and one young squire stood to talk.

"The Raven clan is on our side!" The boy yelled. He had been a representative of the infamous Raven Clan, who would scour villages to kill any sorcerers by use of bizarre and cruel torture. The people were both frightened and thrilled that the clan backed their movement.

"We have people in the castle as well!" A lady yelled from the taps. She had been the cook's second in command until she stood against magic, and had been fired earlier that day.

As the meeting against magic drew longer, the two boys decided to head back to the Rising Sun. Well, their father had pretty much banished them when he started getting real friendly with the ex-cook. As they tumbled out of the tavern, the boys found even the moon was hiding away.

"Seth, I can't see a thing," the younger boy whined as he tripped over the cobblestones.

"Well we don't have a torch so you'll have to deal with it," Seth, the older brother, responded sternly. He was tired of his brother behaving like a child.

Suddenly, a flame lit their path. Seth looked to his right to see twelve year old Evan with a flame hovering above his palm. While Evan looked proud, Seth turned a deathly pale colour.

"You-you have m-m," Seth stuttered. His thoughts had frozen in their tracks. What would mother think? What would father do? Surely he wouldn't kill his own son. Seth tried to reassure himself, but even he knew his father could be that heartless.

"It's legal now, brother. And father isn't around to see, so what's the problem?" Evan questioned.

"Does mother know?" Evan nodded.

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