Levi's Office

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Mikasa's POV

What could he possibly want to see me in his office for? Did I not clean everything like he wanted? Wad he going to make me go clean it again because I was that bad?

All these thoughts were swimming through my head as I reached Levi's door.

Should I knock?

I thought about it, and yeah, I probably should.

I composed my thoughts before I finally knocked on Levi's office door.

"You may enter," I heard him call from inside the room.

I opened the door and there was Levi, drinking his usual cup of tea and looking over new recruit forms.

He looked up from his papers and I saluted him.

"Ah, Mikasa. Just the cadet I needed to see. Come here."

"Yes, sir." I walked over to his desk and stood in a casual stance.

"I need you." He said plainly.

My eyes widened.

"Pardon me captain, but what do you mean?"

Levi folded his hands and rested his chin on them.

"There is something I need you to help me with. It is very important. There are new cadets coming in and I need your help training them. You are the most skilled cadet when it comes to using the 3DM gear besides myself."

He looked at me between squinted eyes.

"I will give you a choice. I don't do this often but I need help with this. Choose wisely. You could help me or you can clean the mess hall and the stables for a week along with your normal duties. Pick quickly."

There wasn't really a choice to be made. It was either help train new cadets or shovel horse shit. It wasn't very hard to decide.

"I'll help train them." I said.

"Good," Levi responded. He gave me a stack of the new cadets skills and training levels. "Read through those and report back to me tomorrow morning. We will discuss a plan of action then."

And with that he went back to his paper work and dismisses me from the room.

I turned to walk out of the door but then I remembered the note he had left in my room.

"Captin, I have a question," I said as I turned and faced him again. "You left a note in my room saying you wanted to see me. Was this it?"

He stopped writing and thought about it for a minute.

"No, I wanted to ask if you would like to go eat dinner with me. Out away from everyone. I thought since we will be working together we should get to know each other and how the other one works."

"Ok. What time would you like me to meet you at?" I said.

He thought about it for a moment before saying, "8 tomorrow night. After all the other cadets are in for the night. Then we should be able to have some peace."

"Ok, sir." I saluted him one more time before grabbing the pile of papers and heading back to my room.

A Love Meant To Be (Levi x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now