A Little Fun

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Mikasa's POV

Back in my room, I started reading over the stack of new recruit profiles Levi had handed me.

I wasn't exactly sure what he wanted me to do with them, but I memorized all the information on each profile and then I organized each if them my skill level. I know that I didn't need to, but Armin and Eren were always saying I was an over achiever. Which I was.

After I had memorized most of them, I took a break and headed out of my room.

Levi had wanted to meet in his office so we could go to dinner and discuss the new recruitment.
Making my way to Levi's office, I was stopped by Armin.

"Hey, Mikasa. What are you up to?" The blond boy said to me.

"Hi Armin. I was headed to Levi's office. He wanted to discuss some things about the new recruitments with me," I said plainly. "Didn't he put you on mess hall duty?"

Armin looked at me shyly. "Yeah, I'm heading there now. I don't want to be running laps because I didn't do it fast enough. Bye Mikasa." He waved to me as he walked away.

I continued to Levi's office.

Once I was outside his door, I knocked and I heard a voice inside say, "Come in."

As I entered, I noticed that Levi wasn't in his normal uniform. I mean, he was, but he had his jacket off and his shirt was half way unbuttoned. Plus, he was leaning against his desk.

I saluted him with a blush on my face. "Sir, I have come back, like you asked, to talk about the new recruits coming in."

Stay cool Mikasa. Maybe this is just a test to see if you can keep your cool.

Levi walked closer to me. I was unprepared for what he was going to do. I could practically predict what he would do.

He stopped an inch or so away from me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

I blushed madly and tried to push him away, but he was stronger then be, even just the slightest.

Alas I couldn't push him away.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Before we go to dinner and talk, lets have a little fun..."

A Love Meant To Be (Levi x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now