Side Note

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I know a lot of people have been wanting me to make updates to this story like What happens next? kind of thing. Well, I hate to say this to you guys, but there isn't going to be one. (And yes, i am well aware that Wall Maria isn't by the ocean. I was 13 when I wrote this. I had an imagination back then). Anyways, even if I was going to write a sequel to this story, I wouldn't know what to write. I am currently trying to work on continuously updating the LevixEren fanfic that I am writing.

Also, I keep promising a JeanxMarco fanfic, but I dont know where to start with it. Ideas would be lovely.

Last but not least, for the simple fact that I have not gotten any requests in my Kik ( which is in my bio) or in my messages over wattpad or instagram ( which is also in my bio), I was planning on doing a facfiction for each AOT ship. If I can't think of anything, Then I can't write them though, thats the thing.

(and If anyone wants to make covers for my future stories that I am going to post, please message me. I am obviously not very good at it as you can tell. Thanks!)

Thanks for reading guys! It means a lot to me to know that people read what I write and actually like it. You guys are amazing! You just keep being you! (^.^)


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