The Ocean

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A/N: If you haven't seen yet, I changed the "not chapter". Please go and read that one before you read this one.



Levi's POV

I took Mikasa's hand and I pulled her along behind me. I wanted to show her something. Something amazing. The ocean.

"Levi, where are we going?" She asked from behind me.

I brought her to the stables. It was early in the morning so no one was up yet. We were free to go.

"Pick a horse. Hurry." I said.

She did and I helped her onto it. Then I picked a horse and climbed onto it as well.

"Follow me," I said as I turned my horse and got it into a run. I could hear her horse running after mine.

After a while of riding, I slowed mine to a trot and a he did the same. We were side by side riding our horses.

I sniffed. I could smell it.

"Just a little further," I said to her.

Maybe she could smell the sea breeze too. I don't know, but she actually started to smile. It was beautiful.

Once I was able to see the edge of the water, I stopped my horse and got off. I went over to her horse and helped her down.

I walked with her, hand in hand, the rest of the way to the ocean.

Once we reaches the waters edge, we both stopped and breathed on deeply. The smell was nothing like we had smelled before.

I turned to her then. We had been looking at the ocean for a while and I wanted to look at her.

She turned to face me as well.

I couldn't help the sudden urge I was feeling. Something wanted me to kiss her. The desire was almost unbearable.

I took her face gently between my palms. Her skin was smooth. Soft to the touch.

I rubbed her cheek with my thumb. Then I leaned in and gently kissed her.

Between the smell from the ocean, the smell of her skin, she soft lips touching mine, and her hands running up and down my was like a sensual overload of everything. It was perfect.

A Love Meant To Be (Levi x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now