Lunch With Levi

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Mikasa's POV

I didn't know what to say. We were sitting outside in the shade of some trees eating a picnic dinner. He hadn't mentioned the amazing moment we had recently, he hadn't mentioned the recruits that were coming in tomorrow, or even the weather.

I ate another piece of bread.

Should I say something first or should I wait for him? And if I do want to speak first, what should I talk about first?

The things that could go right and the things that could go wrong were swimming around in my head. What should I do?

Levi cleared his voice. I looked at him.

What is he going to say?

"So about the new recruits. Is there any in particular that you think would excel or better advance our cause?" He said blankly.

Was he just completely ingnoring the feelings that had surfaced earlier, or was he holding them in because it wasn't important?

Levi was just a large puzzle that hadn't been solved yet.

"A Liza Howell seems to have extraordinary perception. She would be very useful on scouting missions and the like," I replied with the same expressionless face and took another piece of bread. "Um, sir? If you don't mind me asking, but...I wanted to talk...about earlier."

"Earlier?" He raises an eyebrow at me. "What do you mean earlier? Do you mean the kiss?"

I fisted my hands and looked down. "Yes sir. That. I don't think we can keep doing that. It's against regulations to date a recruit or have any foolish activity happen between the two."

His face was one of surprise. We both had enjoyed the kiss. Very much so. But if we continued, then the higher ranked officers would either transfer him or myself to another unit. And that was something neither of us wanted.

"What...what are you saying? That we can't be with who ever we want? That we can't feed the fire that's burning inside us? Or ease the pain from the desire that is eating at us?"

He looked like he was getting angrier with every word.

But just as I thought that he would storm off, he grabbed my arm and yanked me on top of him. He framed my face in his hands and kissed me deeply.

If this was how every lunch with Levi would be, I never wanted it to end.

A Love Meant To Be (Levi x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now