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A/N: Yes, I got rid of the "not chapter" thing. This is the chapter in its place. Anyways, enjoy!


Mikasa's POV

I was sitting in my room thinking about Levi. Nothing else.

My room was spotless, I was clean, I had eaten, and it was time to turn in for the night. But I couldn't. As much as I wanted to, there was just to much to think about.

Levi....what are we? Are we a couple? You kept insisting at the picnic that nothing could keep us apart.

Are we...lovers? You kept saying that when we were alone, there was so much that you wanted to do to me...

But what are we?

As these weird but needed questions went through my head, there was a knock at my door.

I got up and answered it.

It wad Levi.

Looking at him, just seeing who he was, I thought he was beautiful. Handsome. Perfect.

"We need to talk." He said stepping into my room and closing the door behind him.

You know that feeling when your stomach drops and you feel sick? That's what I was feeling.

"Ok," was all I could respond.

He came in and sat on my bed. He patted the place next to him. I sat down.

"Listen, I have been thinking..." he started.

My stomach dropped again.

"Go on."

He sighed. "So, what I was thinking about...was what are we. And I came to a decision. I think the we should instead of just showing each other how we feel, maybe we could act on and be something."

Sadly, I think this was the most in-depth he has even gotten into his emotions.

"What do you want us to be sir?" I asked clenching my fists in excitement.

"Dating," was all he said.

"You want me," I said pointing at myself. "To be your girlfriend?" I said pointing at him.

"Yes," he declared. "I want to be an US."

I got off the bed and walked over to him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet. Then I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his lips.

"Levi, I would be honored to be your girlfriend," I said smiling.

He then wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. It was beautiful.

A Love Meant To Be (Levi x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now