Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Dad's Job

"We have to tell them soon James." Sarah whispered to her husband sipping her coffee. He only sighed putting down his news paper, "They won't understand, they're just kids."

"Fine if you don't want to tell them then I will." Sarah stood up pouring the rest of her coffee in the sink with a small yawn tired from work.

James looked up quite annoyed, "We will tell them. After we pick them up from school."

Cara is Josh's step sister and Josh is her step brother. They're a few years apart Cara is in first grade while Josh is in third grade. When they first met they got along really well and started to build a strong relationship as they grew order.

It was now lunch time which means the two siblings got to see each other. Josh was always so nervous and worried whenever he was separated from his little sister so he would always be the first one to get out the classroom. As for Cara she was excited and happy to see Josh she would go to the same spot they usually would meet which was a tree by the swings. She swung her bag on her back walking outside to the usual spot waiting for Josh. Running in the halls and being tripped by a mean boy named Drake made him a bit late causing him to get worried.

Drake and his friends laughed and started to call him names.

"Your a weeny Josh!!!" Zack yelled feeling very proud of himself. He didn't care what anyone said about him as long it's not about Cara.

Finally Cara seen her brother running making her giggle.

"Josh why are you late? Did you get in trouble?" She asked taking out her lunch.

"P.E sorry for being late Cee Cee." He lied not wanting her to get upset because of a stupid bully. He took out his lunch as well they both had 'Suddenly Salad'. Josh knew how to cook it he learned from their mum.

"Are we still going to watch Avenger's today?" Cara asked excitedly and curiously.

"Of course we are. I promised you didn't I?" Cara nodded with smile.

"I'd never break a promise." Josh said honestly. They both finished they're lunches and now it was time for Josh to take out the surprise.

"Cee Cee guess what? I have a surprise for you." Her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Me too I have one first!!"

Josh was taken back from her reply. Cara pulled out a little wrapped box that had his favorite animals on it, a squirrel and kittens which were obviously drawn on by Cara.

"Read it Josh please it's a gift."

He nodded taking the box from her and giving her his gift. Slowly he unwrapped the gift wanting to keep Cara's adorable drawings. Then he opened the box with a scream.

"Where did you find this?" He asked in worry and shock. In the box was a baby grey kitten with blue eyes.

"I found it at the pet store." She giggled happily.

"It reminded me of you. Because it has blue eyes and it's pretty too." His heart warmed with her words.

"Did mum buy it?" She shook her head.

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