Chapter 20

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A/N: Guys please leave feedback because I really appreciate it, and I don't know if this story is any good so feel free to comment :)

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I yawned. Yesterday, I had told Joey everything about myself and he had seemed interested in me. But I had left out the part where I had powers. I didn't want to scare him when I'd only just met him. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I got out of bed and headed downstairs to have a shower. I started to hum a tune to myself while I was in there, and made a mental note to work on that more later. That could be my next hit single.

Once I had showered and dressed, I collapsed onto one of the sofas and flicked the TV on, browsing through the channels. Joey's door suddenly burst open and loud music blared through the room. I winced and he bounded down the stairs, grinning.

"Yo, Chris. You alright?" He asked excitedly, flopping down next to me. I raised an eyebrow at him and laughed.

"Yeah, I'm good. Won't that music wake everyone up?"

"Nah. These walls are totally soundproof. So we could be getting chased by a dragon in here and no one outside would ever know." I bit my lip as I thought about the fire dragon. I would tell him about my powers, just not yet.

"That's pretty cool." I said with a smile and turned my attention back to the television. A news report was on on an obscure news channel and I nearly turned it over before I noticed who the figure on the screen was. It was video footage of me outside the pharmacy all that time ago, holding my hands out defensively as I discovered my telekinetic power. It was a back view so my face wasn't visible, but I knew. Cautiously, I looked over at Joey to see him staring, wide eyed, at the screen.

"Wow, is it just me, or is that guy stopping those people from running at him with his mind?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know, but he's probably locked up by now." I said firmly, praying that the person on the screen didn't turn to face the camera. Suddenly, it cut back to the studio and I almost breathed a sigh of relief. The news reader started to talk.

"We haven't got any footage of his face, but many eye witnesses have an idea of who it may be. The footage that we just played is more than a few months old, but he's still out there somewhere, we believe. Our witnesses say he looked a little like Chr -" I quickly flicked channels and Joey looked at me suspiciously. I tried to look as nonchalant as possible.

"Why did you change the channel?" He asked and I shrugged, examining my nails.

"It got boring. They might as well just drop that case." Joey looked at me curiously but turned his attention back to the TV, much to my relief. I flipped my phone out and sent out a tweet for the first time in months, saying that I was okay and that my fans shouldn't be worried. Instantly, I was bombarded with messages and I closed the app, switching my phone off.

A knock on the door made both Joey and I jump. We made our way to the door and I unlocked it to reveal a slightly bleary eyed Thalia wearing her black jumpsuit. She grinned at me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hey, guys. Breakfast time. I trust you slept well?" She addressed me on the last sentence and I nodded, smiling at her. "Good, because you have a long day ahead of you." I frowned but she whizzed off before I could say anything. As Joey and I stepped out of the room, the door shut behind us instantly and the jumpsuits reappeared on our bodies. I turned to look at Joey but he was already gone, zooming after Thalia.

At the breakfast table, I sat with Thalia, Joey, and two twins named Mike and Charlie. They were both quiet, with gothic style hair and piercings all over their faces. I turned to Joey to ask him a question.

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