Chapter 14

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Everything was different. But one thing I was completely sure of was that I was out of my mind. I grinned at this thought. The room they were keeping me in was one of their most secure, and I knew that they feared me. The walls were made from a grey coloured stone and they rose high above me. The floor was the same colour. I looked down at the handcuffs binding my hands together and laughed. Ha! Like they'd hold me.

"You can't keep me trapped in here forever, you know! I'll escape and you'll wish you'd never taken me in the first place!" I exclaimed, a wild kind of excitement gleaming in my eyes. It had been a month and I knew that if I stayed here much longer, I would go past the point of no return.

"You hear me? I'm busting out of here soon!" I shouted but the guards didn't reply. They never did. I laughed again, a high pitched, nervous sound. A plate of food was pushed through a small opening in the door and I ran to it, inspecting it. Just another one of their disgusting meals. Grinning, I held my palms out and set the plate on fire. My eyes had been glowing red a lot since I'd been here but I wasn't bothered. What was there to care about anymore? I looked down at my arms to see that they were practically just bones, with the skin pulled painfully across them. I was incredibly thin. It didn't help that I had set fire to all of the meals that I was given. Although my physical body had been drained, my power had never been stronger. I'd been practising. Whenever they came to check on me, I'd dissolve into a cloud of particles and all of the alarms would go off. A huge search party would go out looking for me and I'd slowly reform. Then they'd come back to my room and I'd ask them what was wrong. The looks on their faces made me so happy.


I sighed and smiled.

Hey, Sam.

Sam and I had grown to be close friends over the course of my stay in the asylum. He had helped me play pranks on the staff and even given me a couple of ideas on how to break out.

Hey, buddy. Have they come to check on you yet?

Nope. What should I do this time?

I waited as he thought of something. This would be fun.

Okay. Try to subtly aim your hand at the door and when the guy walks through, simply create an invisible barrier so that he can't come towards you.

I nodded, grinning.

I can't wait to try it.

Sure enough, I soon heard the familiar footsteps of one of the guards, coming to do his daily check. I smirked and got into position. The huge door leading to my room opened and the guard looked at me warily, stepping inside. He had some kind of metal armour on to protect himself against the other 'prisoners'.

"Brown, I trust that you are -" He was cut off when he walked into my invisible wall. I smirked.

"What's wrong?" I asked innocently and he frowned up at me.

"Why can't I walk forward?" He growled and I shrugged.

"I don't know. There's nothing stopping you." He looked at me in anger and continued to try to walk forward. I was enjoying this.

"I don't know how you're doing this, but I know it's you. Stop it!" He shouted in annoyance and I simply laughed.

"I'm not doing anything." I said in amusement and he looked warily into my now brown eyes and stopped struggling.

"I'm going now." He said in defeat and I nodded, smirking. I watched him leave the room and I proceeded to slump down in exhaustion. That hadn't changed. Using this power was still really tiring.

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