Chapter 26

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I let the car go on a bit further until it was out of sight. That way, I could make sure that Joey didn't see me as I became the creature that he feared. It was the only way that I would be able to catch up with him. The trees started to whizz past me and I let out an involuntary hiss as the car came back into view. Joey's eyes widened in horror as he saw me and I threw up a peace sign again. Maybe he wouldn't be so scared of me if I showed him that I was partly human. The car started to speed up and I made out Lydia's face in the rear view mirror. She was glowering at me. I narrowed my eyes and ran faster, almost catching up with the car. As I reached it, I jumped, landing on top of it and making a huge 'thud' sound. The car swerved slightly but I held on for dear life. There was no way I would let Lydia or Serpius kill Joey.

The car started to slow down and an oddly familiar building came into view. It looked like a mansion of some sort, with huge iron gates and plants that had long since wilted. Even the wildlife had seemed to have left as there was not an animal in sight. I gulped and jumped off of the top of the car, landing in a crouch. As the car drove through the gates, I followed, ducking down far enough so that Lydia wouldn't see me. Her door suddenly opened as the car stopped and she climbed out, slamming it behind her. I crouched down lower, making sure that I definitely wasn't visible. Lydia went to the other side and opened Joey's door, hauling him out. He struggled but I knew that he'd given up. And the worst part was that he thought I'd given up on him too.

"Let go of me!" He growled at her and she just laughed, holding his hands behind his back as if he was a convict.

"You know I can't do that. You're the bait for Christopher." She chuckled, imitating Serpius' British accent. I hissed and crept around the side of the car, getting closer.

"Please don't hurt him! He's my best friend!" He exclaimed and I felt a small pang of happiness. My skin rippled as it went back to normal and the tail disappeared.

"You're my best friend, too." I said, standing up and revealing myself. Lydia looked shocked and started to back away.

"Where did you come from?!" She exclaimed in annoyance. I grinned at her.

"I was following you. I'm a fast runner." She just looked confused and I smirked. Joey was looking at me in hope but he was also confused.

"But we never saw you!" He exclaimed. Lydia looked at him and nodded.

"I've got to agree with you on this one. How did you follow us?" I smiled again and went to stand by Joey. Lydia pulled him away and stood in front of him. He peered at me over her shoulder in fear.

"Oh, it's simple, really. But I'm not here to explain things. It's Serpius, or should I say Sam, who needs to do that." Lydia shook her head and my eyes flashed green so quickly that if you blinked, you would've missed it. Joey was looking the other way. Lydia was thrown forcefully into the ground with my power and I took Joey by his shoulders.

"Listen need to stay in the car. I don't want you getting hurt." He shook his head firmly.

"No. I've come this far with you, I'm not going back now." He said with conviction and I sighed. I was too tired for this.

"Okay, you can come with me. But promise me that when you see the slightest sign of danger, you run. Alright?" He nodded reluctantly and I gave him a smile, patting him on the shoulder.

"I'm standing by you, Chris. We're gonna beat Serpius, once and for all."


Joey and I made our way into the building, through oak double doors. We seemed to be in some kind of corridor, but it was too dark to see much. I could just make out some of the paintings lining the walls, which appeared to be mostly portraits from the eighteenth century. There was an expensive carpet beneath my feet which made a muffled noise as I stood on it. Joey walked in silence, staring straight ahead, fear etched across his face. I wanted to comfort him in some way but I was terrified myself. The feeling that I got in the pit of my stomach when danger was near was stronger than ever, and I could feel something very powerful within this building.

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