Eighteen; Date Night

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Up there is the cover for the sequel of soulmates; Incandescent. I can't wait to start writing it!!

Eighteen: Date Night


"Stop faffing! You look lovely, darling." My mum scolded, swatting my hands away as I would reach to adjust my hair.

I sighed and dropped my hands to my sides. Why was I so nervous? I've known Phil for years and yet here I was worrying about if I looked okay. Phil would usually compliment me anyway despite me looking a mess.

Maybe it was because things are different now. Me and Phil were together now- well, not officially but hopefully by the end of the night that would change- so maybe that's why I felt the need to make more of an effort.

Phil was supposed to be here in five minutes and I could feel the anxiety playing havoc with my nerves. (Or were my nerves playing havoc with my anxiety?)

"Are you sure?" I turned to face my mum, a frown on my face.

She tutted. "Of course you do! Now go on downstairs, Phil will be round in a bit."

Phil had suggested that we went on a date and since we couldn't go anywhere public due to having other soulmates, I decided we may as well stay at home and watch Netflix whilst being all cuddled up on the sofa.

I know, how romantic.

However, Phil didn't mind so neither did I. Mum had said we could order pizza if we wanted, she had left some money on the kitchen counter before kissing my head and retreating back to her room.

When the doorbell rang I nearly jumped out of my skin. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous and jumpy but when I saw the smile on Phil's face as I opened the door causing my nerves to melt away. Because Phil was here and he made me feel calm, he was my anti-anxiety pill that I never had; he was better than any medication.


"Hi," I smiled as I let Phil in to the house, shutting the door behind him.

We stood in the hallway in silence as we looked at each other with bashful smiles. Why was we so nervous?

"Are we going to stand here all night or what?" Phil awkwardly chuckled, swinging on the balls of his feet which I found so cute.

I shook my head, shaking my head and led him to the living room. "Do you want anything to drink?" Phil shook his head, smiling up at me from where he was sitting down on the sofa.

"No I am fine, just sit down and come cuddle with me whilst we watch some Netflix."

I nodded, sitting down next to him. As soon as I did so, Phil rested his chest in the crook of my neck, putting his feet across my lap.

I chuckled. "Are you comfy there?"

Phil nodded, a cocky smirk on his face. "Yep. Now what is it going to be: Orange is the new black or Sense8?"

"Surprise me."

* * *

I frowned when I didn't see Louise in English class, she was always one of the first to be here. Maybe she was running late, I tried to reassure myself but to no such luck. Not long after I sat down the teacher came in and the lesson began.

Louise was still not here.

English was her favourite subject too so it was strange when she wasn't in. Plus, this left me in awkward position as people would be asking me where she was and I had no clue. I couldn't say that she was ill and it ends up she was at an appointment and turns up in school a few hours later. Thankfully no one had asked me anything yet.

The teacher was telling us about how the main character in the Bildungsroman novel we were currently studying was dealing with a lot of confusion and upset during her teen years. I didn't really pay much attention even though I should, the book was worth thirty percent of our final grade yet here I was worrying more about my fake soulmate.

When the bell rang it finally clicked.

Today was Louise's birthday.

Today she would have found out her soulmate.

Today is the day where things go downhill.



I have recently become obsessed with Sense8. Oh dear.

Sorry there wasn't much Phan in this. But never fear, I plan for a hot Phan make out session in the next chapter ;)

I have so much drama planned for this book and the sequel honestly.

I am excited.

I hope y'all are excited too.

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