Eleven; Date Night

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Eleven: Date Night 


"Stop acting like a child!" Louise scolded me as she faffed about with the bottom of her dress, constantly pulling at it to make sure it hadn't rode up. 

"But I don't want to go!" I whined. "And I am not being childish, you're being childish." She rolled her eyes. 

I was currently lay across my bed, spread out like a star fish. This definitely didn't help my case; I was acting like a child- she was right. Louise patted my thigh, indicating for me to move up-which I did- and she sat down next to me. For a while there was a silence between us, she just looked at me, scrutinising me, while I just stared up at the ceiling. 

"Look..." Louise began with a heavy sigh. "I know this may be hard for you but you have to go, we will stay for a bit and if you really want to go home then we will make up an excuse and leave." 

Louise hesitated for a second, as if thinking over something. I turned to look at her, seemingly more impassive about the idea as I did before. "Just- just try for Phil, okay?" 

I nodded. 

For Phil. 

* * * 

Well I had once again become impassive about the whole idea of the double date. It was Ryan-the dick's- idea that we as, two pairs of soulmates go out together and bond. 

I would like my fist to bond with his face. 

My enthusiasm, or lack thereof, wasn't as inconspicuous as I had thought. Phil kept sending me worried glances and Louise would nudge me in the ribs to try and make me look lively but I just couldn't. I wanted to be the one sat next Phil, sending loving glances at him like Ryan was doing. 

"So, this is nice." Ryan smiled. He had his hand on Phil's thigh and this irked me. "I hope we can do this again some other time, you two seem like a nice couple. And nice people too!" 

"It is nice." Louise agreed. 

No it wasn't. 

I nodded, forcing a smile upon my face. "Yeah, it is." 

We had only been here forty minutes and fuck me, he is already planning a second double date. This was so painful, so painful to watch Phil with someone else. Someone who wasn't me. I think if you ripped my heart out, that would hurt less. Phil had hardly spoke the whole time we were here and that worried me. But I suppose I was one to talk, I had hardly spoken either. I wasn't the usual extrovert that I am. I had become more recluse and maybe that was because I was out of my comfort zone, I was forced to be here. Because Phil wasn't by my side. 

The waiter came over to our table, breaking the tension between the four of us. "Have you all finished?" 

We all nodded and he took away the plates and then we fell into silence once again. 

"How long have you two been together then?" Ryan asked. 

Small talk. Great. 

I turned to look at Louise and smiled at her, mentally asking her to answer the question. She was better at lying than I was. I had a terrible guilty conscience. 

"We've been together for nearly a month now." She then stopped to think about it for a minute, making it more realistic. "Yeah, that's right. We got together on Dan's birthday when we found out we were soulmates." 

I grabbed ahold of Louise's hand. I didn't know why it just felt right. Maybe it was because Ryan's hand was inching further up Phil's leg; this irked me. 

There was no need for that. 

"It really doesn't feel like a month, it only feels like yesterday!" It was my turn to speak up now.

Ryan let out a sound of adoration. "Aren't you two cute, aren't they cute, babe?" He turned to Phil




"Yes, they are." Phil was looking right at me when he said this. I wasn't sure what this meant, all I knew was that the intensity of his stare was making me blush. 

Louise pinched my cheeks when she saw my red cheeks, this made me blush even more- I felt like a little kid. What didn't help was the fact that was staring at me, a teenage boy, blushing. I was become more of a tomato by the second. 

Ryan and Louise were laughing at my expense, making me awkwardly smile at them. Feeling small but at the same time finding it quite funny myself too. I would have laughed but one; I don't like Ryan and two; I felt extremely embarrassed. However, the fun and games didn't last so long as I noticed Ryan's hand had creeped up higher and it was now right now Phil's crotch. 

I noticed Phil was squirming and pushing Ryan's hand off of him but Ryan would just place his hand back on his thigh. Getting higher up each time. As if it was all a game to him. This sickened me. Why did the most caring and kindest boy out there have to be put with such a horrible person. 

The system was a fucking bitch. 


I don't know how to feel about this chapter...

I want to ask you guys something, if I started to make youtube videos, would you guys watch them? And if so, what videos would you guys want me to do?

It's been five days since I last update and this book is nearly at 700 reads??!?!?!?!?!!??! last time I looked it had just reached 600 reads wtf thank you all so much this makes me vv happy i love you all. 

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