Fourteen; Careless

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So thanks to phabulous_phan, Ryan Ross from Panic! At The Disco will be playing Ryan, Phil's 'soulmate' in here. Just so you all know :).

Fourteen: Careless


Since the weather had been relatively nice in the UK, my mum forced me out of my house to go outside and make memories. Whatever that meant anyway. So that is how me, Phil and Louise ended up sat in a rather large field far away from any people. 

It was nice and peaceful to be away from lots of people for a while. 

"So do you two have a plan on what you're going to do?" Louise asked us, she was pulling grass with her hands before letting it go and making it fall into a un-neat pile. 

Phil looked at me and sighed. "Not even close." 

Louise's sixteenth was fast approaching, we had to think of something before then. However, school finished on the friday whilst Louise's birthday was on Tuesday. Then we would get a large holiday meaning me and Phil could be together for quite a while, albeit we would have to stay under the radar it was the best plan for now. 

However that was only short term, we had to think of something long-term that would allow us to be together.

"Dan? You've been awfully quiet, are you okay?" I nodded, answering Louise's question. 

"Yeah, I'm okay." I smiled, trying to prove my point of okay-ness even further. "It's just we have a problem."

Phil reached out, placing his hand on my thigh. Usually, that would mean he was trying to get me hard however today he did it as a form of comfort. His touch always soothed me. 

"What is it?" 

"You know that boy, Chris in our year?" They both nodded, confirming that they did so I continued. "Well, he knows..." 

"Knows what?" I could tell Phil was getting annoyed with my cryptic coded words I was spouted out-Louise was too, I could see from the corner of my eye. But they both kept it under the collar. 

Scratching the back of my neck nervously, I stared down at the grass. "He knows about me and Phil. He saw my wrist in class yesterday." 

Phil's grip tightened on my thigh. Placing my hand on top of his, I grabbed it on my own and softly brushed the pad of my thumb across his hand. I just needed to know that he didn't hate me for being so stupid; so careless

However, he just looked sad. 

"I mean, he said he wouldn't tell anyone but-" I tried to reassure but it didn't do much good. Hell, I didn't even reassure myself so how was I able to make two other people better?

We all looked from one person to another, waiting for an answer but we were stuck in square one. Constantly going round and round in circles. I wasn't sure if there would be a way to solve all our problems. 

I thought over Phil's idea of running away. I mean yeah, it was terribly cliché and there is a high chance we could get caught but it seemed as though that was the best plan we had and we will ever get. Maybe it will work out, maybe not but there was no harm in trying. 

I was about to voice my thoughts but Phil's phone had started to ring. 

It was Ryan. 

"Okay... Yep... Bye." Phil turned to me. "Sorry, babe, I have to go. Ryan wants to talk to me about something, I'll text you later." I smiled as Phil quickly pecked my lips. We weren't really ones for PDA but whenever he kissed me it made me all fuzzy and the sound of Louise giggling, made me blush. 

Watching, as Phil went further and further away from us I sighed. 

This was useless, we never going to get anywhere. A part of me wanted to admit defeat but the other part of me wanted to fight for me and Phil to be able to love each other, freely and not under government terms. 

To our own accord, to our own happiness. 

Love had one before in the past, so it should win again... Right?


Don't ask me what the hell this was because I don't know. 

This was a filler but the next chapter should be exciting! 

I don't really have much else to say but I hope you are all well! 

Bye x. 

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