Twenty; Ignorance is Bliss

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Twenty: Ignorance is Bliss


I was constantly checking my phone to see if Louise had messaged back. I was worried about her, why was she ignoring us all of a sudden? It was weird. Phil had said we should wait until Saturday and if she doesn't answer either of us we should go and see her.

"Don't worry, Dan." Phil had said. "She'll be fine, it's probably just women's problems." 

I agreed but I felt there was something more to it than that. Louise has never ignored us like this before. My gut feeling told me that it was something to do with her soulmate. 

This was agonising. I got tired of sitting around so I began to pace around my room, when I got to near two hundred steps I got bored of that so I was back to sitting on my bed.

Finally, I decided that I should go round and see her. We had given her more than enough space and it looked like she was going to respond to us any time soon so I may as well get it sorted once and for all. 

Grabbing my coat from the back of the door, I slipped it on before walking downstairs and out of the house. My mum was at work so there was no use telling her where I was going as I would probably be back before she even gets home. I sent a text to Louise telling her that I was on my way to hers, not like she would read it anyway, she hasn't read the twenty seven messages I have left her already. 

Despite it being July, the weather was still a bit cold, especially since it was getting quite late now so I pulled my coat closer to me, to try and keep me warm. So much for Summer. As I walked to where Louise lived - she only lived a few streets over so the walk wasn't so bad- I thought over every possibility of why Louise has been AWOL for the last three days. 

It was quite worrying actually; I hoped she was okay. 

When I reached Louise's house, I rang the old doorbell and waited for a response. There was no cars in the driveway so I could only hope that Louise was in. When the door opened, Louise stood there looking at me quizzically. 

Louise didn't look good. At all. 

Her hair looked greasy and she had it up in a messy bun. Her make-up was smudged under her hair and she was in her pyjamas. Louise didn't look like her usual bubbly self and it made me upset. What the hell had happened that made Louise not herself?

Me being me, began to panic and over think everything. 

"Dan?" Louise wasn't looking at me directly in the eyes, in fact she wasn't looking at me at all. She was too busy looking at her sleeves. 

"Hey, Louise... Can I come in?" I asked.

Louise's head snapped up, in shock. As if I had said something outrageous. "What? I mean- Yeah sure." 

I frowned. Why was she so hesitant?

Mumbling a thank you as I stepped into her house I followed her upstairs where she led me to her bedroom. It was the last bedroom on the landing, on her door there was a sign with her name on it in bright, bold letters. 

I sat down next to Louise on her bed which the sheets were a bit screwed up, signalling she had just got out of bed. 

"So..." Louise trailed off, looking around her room. 

"Why have you been avoiding me and Phil?" 

Blunt. I know. But it was the only way I would get an answer out of her, we couldn't dance around the subject any longer, I was getting tired of it. I just needed answers. 

She sighed, looking at her sleeves again which were pulled right up to her knuckles. "I, uh, it's just- I can't tell you."

"Why?" I asked, confused rather than angry but I came across as snappy and Louise shrunk into herself. "I'm sorry," I apologised. "It's just I want to know."

"No, no, I should be the one that is sorry. Not you." Louise assured me. "But I don't know if I can tell you, you're my best friend, Dan and so is Phil. I just really don't want to lose you- either of you." 

I grabbed Louise's right hand and she gasped, trying to pull away but I held on tighter, refusing to let go. "You won't lose us, we will always be here for you, Lou." 

She began to chew on her lip as she looked down, her left leg started to bounce. She would do this when she wanted to cry and I frowned. What had made her so upset? Was it something I had said? I gently squeezed her hand to re-assure her that I was here for her. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, my voice soft and quite. She was fragile right now, like a china cup and I was scared if I spoke any louder then she would shatter into tiny, sharp pieces. "And don't say that you're fine because I know that you're not fine- just tell me the truth." 

"I don't know if I can tell you." 

Why did she keep saying this?

"Of course you can! You can tell me anything." 

"No," She furiously shook her head. Her leg had stopped bouncing but I could see the tears rolling down her cheek. "You don't understand." 

I let go of her hand and put my hands on either side of her cheeks I forced her to look at me. "Then make me understand, Please." 

It was quite for a minute, Louise was chewing on her lip, thinking something over whilst my heart rate increased dramatically as my anxiety ate away at me.

Was it something to do with her soulmate? 

Had someone else found out about me and Louise pretending to be soulmates?

I was broken out of my thoughts by Louise's timid voice telling me something I hand't expected to hear:

"It's you." 

Stumbling over my words I asked her to repeat what she had said. She couldn't have said that... Could she? 

I must be hearing things, I told myself. That can't be right. 

"You, you're my soulmate." Louise was sobbing now. All I could do was blink, my mind had just seemed to shut down. She then pulled up her sleeve and revealed my name in black ink. 

No wonder she has been avoiding us for so long. 

"I'm so, so sorry." Louise apologised, it wasn't her fault and I felt horrible that she felt the need to apologise but I just couldn't do anything. I was opening and closing my mouth like a fish- this was just too much. 

Pulling Louise into a hug, I told her that it wasn't her fault before I got up and walked out. I didn't want to be on my own right now so I went to the only place where I would feel safe and happy: Phil's house. 



I have just been so busy lately with trying to sort out my job and I am getting so nervous about my exam results and staring College omg it's stressful. Don't become an adult kids, it's not fun. 

So Dan is Louise's soulmate.... dun dun duuuuun. That information is quite important especially for the sequel *wink wink* I actually can't wait to start the sequel, It's going to be so exciting!


I hope that you are all okay and well :) 

- Talia x 

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