Two; Promises and Panic attacks

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Two; Promises and Panic attacks.


Walking through the the gates of hell always seemed to be such a nail-biting experience for me, I was always crippled with the overwhelming anxiety of being so close to people. But today, it was much, much worse.

I would see Phil today.

Usually I would brush off my anxiety and act like everything was a-okay but that was impossible when the only person that eased my anxious thoughts was the person that caused my anxiety. Keeping my head down, my hands in my trouser pockets I walked up the grey path that lead to the stone building. It looked more like a mental institution than a place of learning.

"Hey Dan!" A voice called, bursting me out off my bubble of thoughts. I turned and noticed one of my classmates, Louise was walking up to me a smile on her face. Louise Pentland was in my English class, she had blonde hair with pink tips and green eyes; she was absolutely beautiful. She had a wonderful personality too, she could cheer anyone up at the drop of a hat.

"Hi," I smiled to make up for my lack enthusiasm with interacting.

"So it's your sixteenth today, right?" My smile immediately dropped. "Who's name did you get?"

I opened my mouth but no sound came out, I was like a goldfish out of water. "Uh, I... Erm, I got-"

Just by sheer luck someone called Louise's name, grabbing her attention and dragging it from my soulmate issue. She knew all about me and Phil being best friend's and she knew about my crush on the pale boy. Louise had practically dragged the truth out of me.

"See you later, Dan!"

And then she was gone.

I let out a breath of relief and continued on my journey to doom. I had escaped that encounter by the skin of my teeth but I knew once I reached Phil I wouldn't be so lucky - the truth would be dragged out of me. Knowing Phil he would trap me and check my wrist to see if I was lying.

Out of my peripheral vision I saw that Phil was standing at least a hundred yards from me, so I sunk my head further, hoping that he wouldn't notice me and I would just accidentally walk past him, not seeing him either. It would be perfect.

I wasn't the most confident person in the world but I liked to think when I was with someone that I knew and was comfortable with then, yeah, I could be confident; I could be myself. But around Phil I always felt so nervous, so shy - I blamed it on the stupid crush that I had developed two years back. Now with Phil being my soulmate it made it ten times worse.

Sadly, my plan of avoiding Phil didn't work - he noticed me.

I lifted my head up and smiled, faking a shocked expression as though I didn't see him moments before. I knew Drama would help me in the future.

"Phil! Hi," He pulled me into a hug when I was stood near enough for him to wrap his arms around me and it wasn't a bro hug, you know those one-arm-pat-on-the-back type hugs, no it was more two arms wrapped around my waist tightly. I always loved Phil's hugs, they made you feel safe despite him having lanky arms; lanky body, really but everything about him made you feel secure. Me and Phil have always be really touchy feel-y, a lot more than you would consider to be friendly and it didn't help with my crush but neither of us minded.

"So, who's name did you get?" Phil immediately asked as soon as we pulled away from the hug.

Scratching the back of my head, I let out a nervous laugh. The air in the room somehow became stuffier and I felt like all eyes were on me, staring at me. I began to feel claustrophobic.

"A-about that..."

"What about it?"

God, he was eager.

"I-Uh, it's just," I sighed, taking in a deep breath. Thankfully the bell rang and I deflated, the air not seeming as thick as it did before. "Oh, I have to go Mr. Sullivan will kill me if I am one second late. I'll tell you later!" I called as I began to walk off towards where my tutor room was situated up on the top floor of the school building.

"You better!"

And in that moment I hadn't been so grateful for the sound of the shrill bell. If only I could escape the next time Phil pulled me up about it.

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