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-2 Months Later-

"Andy you have to be kidding me."
Pete said, chuckling at his close friend, Andy Hurley, and the other members of their band,
"The Damned Firstborn Arma Yellow Road Traitor".

Pete couldn't believe what was happening.

"Y-You can't kick me out of the band! Im the best bassist you know."

"Knew," Andy corrected,
"You were the best bassist I knew. Im sorry, Pete. Plus we're all straight edge, and we're kind of over you smoking and popping pills at practice. It's nothing personal. It's just what's best for the band."
Andy smiled, placing his hand on Pete's shoulder and giving it a sympathetic pat, then turning on his heel and helping the other band members load the truck with instruments and amps.

Pete took a step back, pulling his hood over his head,
"Fucking straight edge..." He growled, storming off.

Pete Wentz was spiraling down hill. His boyfriend dumped him, he got evicted from his apartment, and as of now, he was kicked out of his band. He was getting unhealthy at this point.
Drinking, smoking, taking far too many of his prescription pills.

And he was ready for another round of it all. He was gonna go back to Joe's place and poor himself a glass or four of whiskey, light himself a cigarette and risk killing himself by throwing in some anti-depressants. And then Joe would come home and give him some pep talk about how he needs to stop and how it's not good for him, and Pete would roll his eyes and get upset and Joe wouldn't even complain, he'd just help Pete get to sleep.

That's how it had been going since Mikey broke up with him.

And things were going so well today.
Until now, of course.

Now Pete was so ready to pursue his new daily routine. He couldn't wait to get his hands in joe's liquor cabinet. He couldn't wait to-
see Mikey?

Pete unlocked the door to Joe's apartment, angrily swinging it open and slamming his keys on the counter, then going straight for the cabinet he had become so familiar with. His hand wrapped around a glass bottle and he barely even bothered to check what it was before taking a long swig. He clamped his eyes shut, chugging as much as he could of what he quickly realized was vodka. His vision was fuzzy from how tight he had shut his eyes and how much he drank so quickly, but when he slammed the bottle down and looked straight ahead, he had no difficulty figuring out who was sitting on his coffee table.
Mikey's eyebrows were raised high, and his eyes were wide after seeing how much of a wreck his ex-boyfriend was. He wondered if it was because of him.

His knees were spread apart and his elbows rested on his thighs, the position making him lean forward.
Pete just wiped his mouth with his hand, looking straight at Mikey.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Pete said, his tone casual and blunt. He stayed behind the counter, separating himself from Mikey.
Mikey reached into the backpack he had with him, pulling out his laptop and bringing it over to the counter where Pete was. He flipped it open, quickly getting to tumblr and punching in a url that Pete didn't recognize.

"Mikey what are yo-"

"Shut up." Mikey snapped, scrolling down on the blog he had found. Pete stared at the blog, which appeared to be filled with audio clips, long poetic-looking textsposts, and pictures of coffee, trees, shoes, and-

"I've been following this guy for awhile...he posts some neat stuff. He writes poems, sings, takes cool pictures. But check this out-"
Mikey turned the laptop so that Pete could access it easier. On the screen was a picture of Pete, his hand resting on his chin and his eyes looking straight out the window. He recognized the setting, and quickly realized that the picture was taken the morning after Mikey dumped him. That was two months ago.

Pete scrolled up, only to find more pictures of him, getting more and more recent. Pictures of him at bars, pictures of him crossing the street, pictures of him playing with the band, pictures of him storming off with his hood over his head and 4 other guys loading instruments into a truck behind him.
That just happened.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Mikey asked, looking down at Pete with a face that almost implied jealousy.

"I-no...i have no idea who this is..." Pete stuttered, not taking his eyes from the screen.

"So you have a stalker?" Mikey couldn't help but chuckle. Who would want to stalk Pete Wentz? Pete was a fucking loser,
a nobody. Sure, he's in a band...or was in a band, but that wasn't going anywhere. Nobody knew him, his life sure as hell wasn't exciting, and he wasn't exactly that incredible looking, so why would anyone bother stalking him?

"I..I guess so?"
Pete stuttered, looking up at Mikey.

"Pete, that's fucking creepy. This guy could be a total should be careful. I don't want you to get hurt." Mikey smiled, stepping out and around the counter so that he was next to Pete.

"Since when?" Pete snapped, folding his arms and meeting Mikey's eyes.


"Thanks for showing me the blog. You can go now." Pete's expression stayed emotionless as he stared at the man in front of him-the man who had absolutely no right to come into his home (well, Joe's home) and claim that he "doesn't want him to get hurt".

"You look great in those pictures..." Mikey said, stepping closer to Pete and shutting the laptop subtly as he moved past it. Pete shifted.

He was considering pouncing on Mikey right there and then, completely ignoring what the taller man had done to him and just having one more incredible romantic event with him.

He hadn't had sex in months-it was long overdue.
And Mikey was looking especially fantastic with his new blonde hair (which Pete had avoided pointing out because that would make him seem interested), and he was biting his fucking lip....
It took every bit of strength in Pete's body to not grab him by his collar and completely devour his mouth, to the point where he found himself striking his hand across Mikey's face instead.

Mikey stepped back, hand on his cheek where Pete had just slapped him.
Mikey just looked at him with this glare, and Pete looked right back, not saying a word and not daring to uncross his arms until Mikey had finally left the room, snatching up his laptop as he stormed out.

Pete was done with Mikey Way. He had a new mission, and he wasn't up for any distractions.

(This took me so long to write but yeaH COOL)

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