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"No this Pete Wentz?"

Patrick's eyes widened. Yes! Yes, it is Pete Wentz!

"Uh, is.." Patrick said, thrown off by Gerard's knowledge of Pete's existence.

"Oh my god...Pete? Like, Mikey's Pete?" Ryan asked, leaning in and looking at the photos. Of course Patrick brought a couple of his favorite shots, he had to be prepared in case he caught Gerard's interest.
Which he did.

"I-I'm sorry but how do you know him?" Brendon asked, extremely confused.
Patrick nodded.
"Yes, please explain."

Gerard set the photo of Pete back down on the table.
"My younger brother Mikey dated him for a while, and since Mikey and I are so close and he lives nearby, I hung out with Pete a couple times. He was a great guy, but Mikey fucked it up. Pete got really depressed when Mikey dumped him and the three of us all kind of cut off communication. I still try and talk to Mikey but it always ends up with us screaming at each other. So whatever."

Patrick wanted desperately to know what Mikey did, but refrained from asking to be sure not to seem too nosy.

"I'm sorry." Patrick muttered. Gerard just shrugged.

"...So, can I ask why you're taking these creepy ass pictures of Pete Wentz?"
Gerard said, cocking his head slightly to the side and just barely leaning in.
Patrick shrugged, his eyes landing on the picture of Pete. He smiled.

"Because he's beautiful."

Gerard raised his brows.

Patrick nodded. Gerard just chuckled.

"Pete's cool and all...but I don't know if i'd call him beautiful."
Gerard said, a semi smug tone in his voice.
Patrick furrowed his brows. Why was everyone saying that?! Pete was beautiful.

"He-he is. He is beautiful. You don't know Pete like I do." Patrick muttered.

"That's because you don't know Pete, Patrick!Pete is some emo loser who spends his time moping around bars, he's far from beautiful." Brendon retorted, a little more hateful than intended.
Patrick recoiled back, thrown off by Brendon. He gulped.

"Patrick-have you, have you talked to him?" Ryan asked, concern tinting his voice.

"No...but I will...soon..." Patrick murmured. Brendon rolled his eyes.

"Tell you what, I'll call him and invite him to Bogley tonight, yeah?" Gerard proposed. Patrick's eyes widened.

"Uh-I don't know if I really-"

"Are you serious, Trick?" Brendon snapped. He looked back at Gerard.
"That'd be great. I'd love to meet him."

Patrick shifted uncomfortably, unhappy with the decision but deciding not to argue. He didn't like arguing.

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