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"So, what do you think?"

Patrick said, smiling at his close friend Brendon.

"It's...I mean, it's good..I guess.."
Brendon stuttered, scratching his head and looking down at Patrick's latest Pete-centered-picture.

"What's wrong with it?"
Patrick asked, acknowledging how uninterested Brendon seemed in the picture.

Patrick always asked for Brendon's opinion on the photos he took.
However, his goal was to show his portfolio to Ryan, Brendon's "friend" who did hair and makeup for models. Ryan had all kinds of connections to photographers and artists and editor-in-chiefs, and Patrick was pretty adamant on the idea that if he met Ryan Ross he'd be in good shape. Plus, he was pretty sure that Ryan was Bren's latest crush, and all of Brendon's crushes had to be Patrick-approved.

"It's just...Patrick, who is this guy? You've been taking pictures of him for awhile and it's just-is he your boyfriend?" Brendon asked, looking away from the picture and meeting Patrick's eyes.

"God no, I wish." Patrick said, smiling at the thought.

"So he's just a friend?"

"Well, no..."

"So you don't know him at all?" Brendon raised an eyebrow.

"No, Well-I know him really well! He just doesn't know me. We haven't talked before or...or made eye contact...I don't think he's ever seen me before honestly-"

"Patrick, this is fucking creepy. You don't even know this guy and quite frankly he's a loser. I don't understand your infatuation with him. What's his name again? P-"

"Peter. Peter Wentz. He used to play bass in this local band...but they kicked him out this morning. I don't know why. He's really good. I thought about following him because he was probably going to go to his favorite bar but I figured I had enough pictures of him there." Patrick cut Brendon off, smiling at the picture of Pete as he rambled about him.

"You're a fucking stalker," Brendon laughed, "I love it."
Just as he opened his mouth to speak again his phone lit up. His eyes bolted to the screen, and he was happy to see a text from Ryan.

"Lunch at Cianti's with me and gerard? We can go back to my place afterwards, if you want..."

Brendon smirked at the text, knowing what he meant and immediately shooting back a reply. It was rare that him and ryan would hang out and not fuck each others brains out afterwards. And Brendon was fine with that, honestly, it was how he liked it.

"Fuck yes. I'm there."

"Sorry Trick, I gotta run." Brendon said, shoving his phone in his pocket.

Patrick lifted his eyes from the picture of Pete to look at Brendon.
"You just got here." He said dryly.
Brendon never spent much time with Patrick, especially since he met Ryan.

Sometimes Patrick got jealous. Brendon was going to parties, hanging out with models, having the time of his life. And Patrick was what, stalking some guy he had never even spoken to?

"I know and i'm totally sorry dude but it's Ryan, gotta meet him at Cianti's for lunch. It's mandatory." Brendon said, looking down at his phone and continuing to text as he walked out from behind the kitchen counter and headed to the door.

"Hm, is that code for 'i don't really care about the lunch but we're gonna have sex afterwards'?"

"Precisely." He replied, grinning at Patrick
Then he was out the door.

Patrick found himself alone more than not.
He lived alone, worked alone, traveled alone,
Anything you could think of-
And he was starting to get over it.

Patrick looked down at the picture of Pete, then at the door that had just shut.
Suddenly he sprinted out the door, chasing after Brendon.

He wasn't going to be alone today.


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