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A/N: ok so, i didn't realize that I wrote the first three chapters (including prologue) in third person and then suddenly switched to first for the last chapter, so, we're going back to third.

(Pete's POV)

Pete couldn't deny it, this Patrick kid had him fucked.

He had been sitting on his bed and looking at Patrick's blog for hours. Watching his videos, reading his poetry, staring at his pictures. Who was he?

The videos of him singing were his favorite. He scrolled down, finding another and smiling brightly as he clicked. Pete chuckled at Patrick's drunken state, then simply found himself entranced by the talent in his voice.
"A Capella Grammy Medley"
Yup, he was definitely noting this. He struggled to decide whether he liked this better than his John Legend "Green Light" cover, then decided the two shouldn't even be compared.

Pete sighed, scrolling and reading and scrolling and listening and scrolling and drinking and scrolling and laughing and scrolling and tearing up. What the actual fuck was this guy doing to him?

Pete was listening to one of his original songs, "Allie", and feeling extremely impressed by Patrick's vocal range and soulful sound (not to mention feeling like shit because Patrick was so damn good and Pete was a talentless dickhead drinking his cares away in his best friend's apartment), when Joe came in.
The slam of the door made Pete flinch.
Pete didn't even look up at Joe when he came into his room.

"Pete?" Joe said, confused and concerned at the tiredness in Pete's eyes and the nearly empty bottle of whisky sat beside him.

"Pete what the hell are you listening to?" Joe came to stand beside Pete's bed, examining his screen.

Pete and Joe usually listened to pretty hardcore shit, especially Joe. So naturally Joe was very confused to find Pete listening to Patrick's soulful micheal jackson-y shit.

"It's called Allie." Pete said. Joe furrowed his brows, then raised them when he saw Pete's screen.

"Is that Patrick Stump?" Joe muttered. Pete jerked his head to look at Joe.

"You know him?" He asked. Joe grinned.

"Yeah. Used to beat the shit out of him in high school."

Pete was shocked.

"You mean you like, bullied him?" Pete asked, confused and concerned.

"Well, yeah. He was the school loser and I was the school jack ass. I was a total dick back then, you know? So I made his life a living hell. Poor kid. Didn't know he could sing though, little dude's got pipes."

Pete felt bad. He hadn't expected someone as perfect and talented as Patrick to had been bullied. How could anyone so amazing have been the "school loser"?

Pete just muttered "oh," before closing his laptop and taking a swig of whiskey as he did so, of course.

"You need to stop drinking, Pete. I mean it."
Joe said, snatching the bottle and walking it back to the kitchen. Pete groaned, standing up and getting out of bed.
"Im going out."

"No you're not." Joe argued from the kitchen. Pete rolled his eyes.

"I'm a grown ass man, joe. I'll go out if I want to go out."

"I'm not letting you go out again. You're staying here with me and we can watch movies together on the couch, alright, man?"

"Can we cuddle?" Pete asked jokingly, grinning and plopping down on the couch.

"That's gay." Joe stated, sitting next to Pete and handing him a glass of water.

"Yeah, so are we." Pete chuckled. Joe didn't look amused.

"I never said I was gay, Pete." Joe said blandly. Pete swallowed. Shit.

"Fuck, sorry man, I just, you and Andy had that thing and-"

"I'm kidding, Pete. It's fine. I haven't exactly made my sexuality very clear." Joe grumbled.

"So are you like, into dudes though?" Pete questioned. Joe shrugged.

"I mean, I dig boobs and chicks and stuff for sure, but I'm not apposed to dudes. For example, the whole andy thing, it wasn't bad, it was just different. "

Pete nodded.
"Maybe you're bi."

"Yeah, maybe."

Pete rested his head on Joe's shoulder, happy to have him as a friend.

"What do you wanna watch?" Joe asked, hoping for anything but Crazy Stupid Love, which Pete had been making him watch for weeks now.

"Something with explosions."

A/N: short oops buT CUTE

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