Chapter 6 Faith Of A Captain Part 3

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Somewhere in the South Blue.....

Allison sighed as she lends against the side of the boat for the past few days since they left Eastal Island and Shizuo joined the crew as their navigator. A few days since, they hadn't reached land, Allison started to get bored. Axel was asleep against the boat in a corner, so he was pretty busy. With nothing. Shizuo was reading one of the books she brought along with him, nothing bothering to pay much attention to the other. Allison tried to keep herself busy by keeping an eye on the land and managing the sail.

"This is boring."

Axel didn't respond since he was sound asleep. He was a heavy sleeper, and it always took a long time to wake him up. Lousy quality for a pirate because you will never know when there might be an emergency and must be prepared for battle. In other words, he wasn't much pirate material but was solid and calm, which could be helpful when handling a crew in times of panic. Being captain of a bunch of pirates wasn't going to be easy, so she would need a first mate that's level head to keep them from going insane. Shiroe was the opposite of Axel; he was calm but in a different manner. Despite their differences, they weren't stupid, which was good enough for her. He was a bit creepy, maybe too scary for his good, but she couldn't blame him when he rarely spent time with others and didn't have many social skills. But he made it up with his brains; he knew stuff that came in handy and his being a navigator was a bonus.

Shizuo lifted his eyes from his book and turned his attention to a bored Allison. "We should reach land in a few hours or so."

Allison gave him a confused look. "How do you know?"

Shizuo pointed to the sky. Looking up, Allison caught sight of birds flying in circles as they were looking for something. "See those birds, they been up there for a few minutes, probably hunting for fish. There must be land nearby; birds rarely travel far from their home."

Allison nodded in understanding, happy to have Shizuo in her crew. Grabbing the paddles and began to row. "Come on, what are we waiting for!"

Shizuo smirked as he grabbed the other paddles and began to row. They rowed for an hour before they caught sight of land.

"Finally!! I can see land," Allison shouted as she began to row faster, with poor Shizuo trying to keep up with her constant padding. Axel was still sound asleep as they speeded their way toward the island.

On the island..........

"What should we do about Axel," Shizuo asked as they docked their boat. Axel was still sound asleep.

"Hummmm, I guess we could leave him here to guard the boat," Allison shrugged. "It is not like he will wake up anytime soon."

"You got the point" Shizuo pushed his glasses as he began to write a note: Exploring island. Guard the boat.

Placing the note in Axel's pockets as he followed Allison into the town. The town was big, with the large ship docked in the ports. Many men worked and caredtuff in and out of the ships.

"How do you suggest we get a ship," Shizuo asked as he remembered they didn't have much money, to begin with, just enough for food. Looking through the town that depended on their shipwrights. But as they entered farther into the town, the store began to get bigger from Workshops to restaurants to clothing and food stores. The town made just enough to survive through the years. The houses were simple, nothing fancy concerning how much it depended on the Shipwrights and mechanics.

Allison just shrugged. "I guess we will cross that bridge once we reach it."

Shizuo didn't bother to answer that they were already by the bridge but decided against it. Knowing Allison might have something in mind. They continued to walk through the streets of the town until they were interrupted.

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