Chapter 25 Faith of a Small Encounters

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East Blue
Few days later.

"Allison has really lost her mind!" Rick shouted.

"quiet!!" Izumi responded hitting Rick to the ground of the deck."were almost there so we as might well get over it"

"Where is Allison?" Maeve asked. Everyone caught the question by surprise and they turned to the only one who had spoken to Allison just a few days back.

Sage's eyes widen as her crew mate's attention were all on her. "I....I...all I know is that Allison wants us to meet her in Shell Town in the East Blue."

"Did she tell you where she was?" Axel asked.

Sage shrugged. "I am not sure but she said she was with a friend and that they were on some sort of treasure hunt or something"

"Friend? "Rick questioned. "We're her friend so why isn't she here"

"She means her other friend that we don't know about" Izumi answered.

"Just how many old friends does Al have" Beckett questioned.

Rick shrugged. "For all know Al could have friends in every island"

"That crazy" Beckett snarled. "No one can have friend in every Island. It's impossible and ridiculous to think that"

"I don't know about that Beckett" Axel replied. "we seen some pretty impossible things so far and having friend all over the world doesn't sound so strange"

"Let's ask Al next time we meet her but we need to restock now" Shizuo interrupted.

"Where are we now" Maeve asked looking as they approach a island that was pretty massive.

"Welcome to Dawn Island "

Foosha Village, Dawn Island

"Stay here" Axel ordered to Rick and Austin.

"But I want to go" Rick cried streams of tears.

"Each time you step on land you cause problems and that the last thing we need" Izumi said holding them accountable for some of their tactless adventures.

"In my defense most of that was Beckett's fault" Rick rebutted.

"That why Beckett is coming with us" Axel responded. "In the next island Beckett will stay behind. Alright."

Rick pouted. "Alright but Austin stays with me,

Axel nodded as she agreed to the condition.

Everyone disembarked from the ship except for Rick and Austin. Making their way towards the Foosho Village but as they entered the village they were surpassed to find it empty.

"Island sure looks peaceful" Sage commented as they entered the town. "And quiet"

"Maybe their tried or something" Maeve answered.

"Doesn't appear to be the case" Shizuo commented. "Something wrong"

"Look there someone" Maeve said pointing to a small crowd of men and women with brooms and pinch forks in their hands. One man in particular stood in front of them, he was a pretty short man compared to the average height of any man. He wore a stripped white and red sun hat, colorful pineapple shirt and taki short with black sandals.

"We will ask only once pirates. Get out of our village" the man ordered. The small crowd of men and women backing him up as they shouted in agreement.

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