Chapter 10 Faith Of A Captain Part 6

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Allison woke to the sound of arguing coming from Shizuo and Axel. What they were arguing about Allison couldn't tell. Slowly opening her eyes she found herself staring to a ceiling trying to remember what she last remembered. She remembered thinking about asking Izumi to join her crew before that man in the bartender suit attack them and defeated them. Sigh as she began to sit up.

"Guys look Allison wake" Rick interrupted. Axel and Shizuo quickly became quiet as they turned to Allison who gave a small smile.

"Glad that finally wake, Al"

Allison chuckled. "Yeah me too. How long was I -"

Allison felt a pain in her arm as she found her right arm covered in a blanket that was tied to her shoulder.

"Careful, Allison. You broke your arm during the fight. Lucky for us it was a clean break" Shizuo explained.

"Who that be considered lucky. To hell sakes!! Allison has a broken arm! There nothing lucky about it"

"Am glad that your alive" Rick cried as he hugged Allison.

"Careful, Rick your going to hurt her" Axel shouted.


"That fine. Am ok" Allison said before she looked around. "Where are we?"

"Headquarters of the Crimson Corp. I guess"

"Your not so far from the truth but no" a deep voice said. Allison and the others quickly turned to find a old man with grey hair and red eyes. Yet he had a strong fit body for his age.

"Who are you" Axel asked. "Why did you bring us here"

The man chuckled. "Names Garnet of course. And you brought this upon yourself when you took out Cypress and the others."

"Your the leader of the Red Ban." Shizuo interrupted.

"Lucky for you am not because if I were you three should be dead by now. Am the second in command of course. It's my job to get rid of pest like you but you three showed potential. So I will like to make you an offer"

"What offer" Rick asked but he later regretted asking because Garnet laughed.

"To join our group of course. Either you join or you die. Pick either one but I always win"

Axel bit his lips to prevent himself from lashing out at him. Allison stared at the man but didn't say anything as she frowned. Rick looked horrified of the thought of dying and join the Crimson Corp. Group. Shizuo was the only one who face remained neutral.

"Let us think about it"

Garnet grinned. "Take all the time you need. It's not like your going anywhere."

And with that Garnet left the cell room as he exited through a door. Even when the door closed behind him, Allison and others could hear him laughing as he walked away.

"You can't be serious about joining him!!" Rick shouted once he knew that Garnet was far away not to hear them.

"Of course not but we need time" Shizuo said as he pushed his glasses back. "We need way out of here"

"We tried everything already but nothing works! The bars are made out of sea stone so I can't break them"

"Then we wait" Allison interrupted. Rick gave her a confused look. Axel grinned he he understood what she was getting at as did Shizuo.

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