Chapter 8 Faith Of The Stranded

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And were back 😃🌴
Continuing flashback.......
Somewhere in the unknown island in a unknown location....

The sound of waves was the first thing that Allison heard as she lay flat on a soft and sand beach. She didn't need to have her eyes open to know that she was lay on a beach somewhere. She felt the sun's rays against her skin. Opening her eye slowly, the hot burning sun burn her eyes. Blinking a couple times as she blocked sun with her hand. Without even thinking, Allison sat up and threw up the salt water that she had drank after getting tossed around in a storm. Coughing a couple a times before she straight her thoughts before she picked her self up. Looking at her surroundings as the wind blowing her wet loose hair. It was calm feeling that she didn't want to end.


Quickly turning around she was meet with a women in a long beautiful white dress. Allison blinked a couple times as she rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't imagining. She knew that women. She never meet her personally but she seen enough picture and heard enough stories to recognize her anywhere. The women wasn't just any women. The women's name was Yuki. Her mother.

"Mom?" Allison whispered. Looking at her mother with amazement. She never meet her mother in person and here she was. She was a tall young women with long loose raven black hair and soft rudy red eyes a lot similar to her own. Yuki extend her hand towards Allison as she wanted her to take it.

Allison takes a few steps forward before she hesitated. Her mother just  smiled gently with eyes full of sadness and relief, her hands still stretched out to her. Before Allison even knew it, tears began to fall down her face as her died mother stood in front of her.


Yuki said nothing for a moment as her smile grew a bit wider. Allison took a few steps closer as she wanted nothing more than to be in her mother's embrace. Yet part of her told her it wasn't time.

"Breath dammit!!! Don't leave just yet" a panic voice said.

Allison looked around for the sudden voice but the only ones were her and her mother.

"She's going to did isn't she" another scared voice said.

"Don't say stuff that!!! Buggy, now help me!!!" The first voice yelled.

It took Allison a while but she recognized those voices. The red head boy and his red nose friend. They were calling her. Looking at her mother as tears began to fall, Allison back down.

"Am sorry I can't go, not yet" Allison whispered despite her tears. Quickly turning around and running the opposite direction so she would have to see her mother's face anymore. Running through the bleach, Allison began to think of Ford who was waiting for her, he promised to teach how to use a gun. Of her father, Newgate that she had yet to tell him the truth. She couldn't died at least not yet. Not until he knew the truth. Both of them were waiting for her that come back. They were searching for her.

Allison continued to run for what seem for hours before she saw a bright light ahead of her as voice grew longer. No doubt it was those to idiots. Without really thinking, Allison ran towards it as it became clear.

"One more time, buggy" the red head boy desperately order to red nose friend as he press down on Allison's chest doing CPR. Trying the best he could to bring her back but no matter how much he tried, Allison didn't move. With one more time, he blew into her mouth before he press down on her chest.

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