Chapter 14 Faith of the Jumanji Prisoners Part 1

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"Don't hurt me!!!" Rick shouted as he ran for dear life.

"Get back here!!!!! Turn it back!!!"

"I will!!! I will!!! But first stop trying to kill me!!!!" Rick cried as he keep running on the deck with Beckett right behind him.

"Then change it back!!" Beckett shouted frustrated.

Allison, Austin, Ken and Shizuo watched in amusement while Maeve looked worried.

"Aren't you go stop them" Maeve asked. "Beckett is going to kill him"

"Nah it's fine" Allison just waved her off.

Maeve then turned to Austin. "Rick is your brother isn't"

Austin nodded.

"They why aren't you helping him" Maeve asked.

Austin said nothing but turned him attention to the game of cat and mouse between Rick and Beckett.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much, Maeve" Shizuo replied since he noticed Maeve's worried expression.

"But there fight and friends shouldn't fights"

"It's all right, Maeve. There just having a little argument. Nothing to worry about"

Maeve pouted and sighed as she continued to watch the scene in front of here. Yet debating on stopping them but didn't have too because one one was already one step ahead of her.

"Would you stop it" Izumi replied as she grabbed Rick by the collar.

"Izumi! Let me go" Rick cried as he tried to break from Izumi's grip.

"Not until you stop this ruckus" Izumi responded then turned her attention to Beckett. "And you. You should now better to chase this fool around"

Beckett frown as a tension began to grow between them. Tension that didn't go unnoticed by the others. Shizuo and Izumi locked eyes. None of them moved, even Rick had stopped trying to break from Izumi's grip. After a few seconds, it was Beckett who broke eyes contact before walking off. Mumbling something about a chair. 

Once the tension gone, Izumi focused one again to Rick. "What did you do now"

Rick stood silent for a few seconds before responding. "I was only playing around and I sort of played around with his chair while he was sleeping on it."

Izumi sighed as she pulled Rick once again by the collar. "Your going to apologize to Beckett and fix his chair"

"Nooooo!!!" Rick cried as Izumi dragged him away.

Allison and the others with the exception of Maeve couldn't help but laughed.

"See there was nothing to worry about" Allison replied. Then Shizuo whispered something to Austin and Ken before they left. Leaving Allison alone with Maeve.

Maeve nodded. "Alright then but why didn't you step in after all your the captain. And you can't have your crew fighting among themselves."

Allison stood quiet for a while as she smiled. "You see Maeve, the crew doesn't always has to depend on captain when something don't go right. That's why I let them fight and figure this on their own and I don't want to have to order them to behave because that will only bring tension among the crew."

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