CHAPTER 1: The End of The Beginning

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Thomas's POV

"Hey babe. I'm home." I call as I enter the door. I look around to see the house in a state. My clothes chucked everywhere, photos smashed, crumpled up papers on the floor. "Babe?" I call again, hoping for a response. "What happened around here?" I start getting worried. I close the door and start searching for Isabel. She's not in the living room or the kitchen nor the bedrooms. I make my way to our gardens when I started to feel heat. I see Isabel in front of a bonfire. Burning all our memories. Running up to her she turns around. Her eyes filled with water. Her makeup smudged. "What? What's going on?!?" She doesn't reply. She just stares me. "Babe. Are. Are you ok?" Clearly she wasn't. What a stupid question. "I hate you." I hear her whisper. But I asked what she said to be sure of it. "I HATE YOU!" She shouts. She suddenly makes her way towards me. Slapping, punching, kicking me. I run into the kitchen and she comes after me. What's going on? Why is she so angry? I needed answers but clearly she wasn't in the talking mood. She grabbed a few empty glasses. Throwing them at me. I try to dodge them as they come towards me and smash agains the wall. She had one more, but she never threw it. She stood there staring at it until she grabbed the top of it and smashed the bottom end. She held it above her head and started running. I dashed up the stairs and went straight to our room and locked the door.  I hid behind it whilst she stood outside, banging demanding to let her in. My heart was racing. I stayed there for about two hours until I heard the front door slam and her car leave.

Not sure whether it was safe, I left the room anyway. I slowly made my way down the stairs. She was gone. All that was left of her was a note. That read;
You've hurt me in ways that I cannot forgive you. The only thing is, is that you don't know about them. I see you walk out the door every morning. I see you hugging the fans and all the beautiful messages you leave them. I get jealous. You've said thing that hurt me. They were only meant to be jokes though. I hate you and I never want to see you again.       Isabel.

I feel the burning behind my eyes. I needed to cry. But I didn't let myself. I put the letter down and sat on the sofa. Silently.

So hey. My names Bethany and this is my first chapter for Alone In The Dark. Which is also my first fanfic. I hope it wasn't too boring for you. Thank you for reading. And I will post more soon

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