Chapter 8

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Sorry about taking so long to update! There isn't going to be a schedule. It's just not happening with me. But I finally wrote this! Yay! So I'll let you get to the chapter, enjoy.


I walk back into my hospital room, my mind is all over the place and I'm glad things don't hurt as much here as they would... There. Or id be just like I was last night.
I walk over to the bed and see nearby that there is a note. I walk over to it and look, it's from... Cas. To me? Why? I thought he stopped caring.
I read the note and sprint out of the room. I keep running. My thoughts getting worse and worse by the second.
And then, I just stop. I'm by the morgue. It seems like I was only running for a few seconds, but I guess it was way longer than that.
I look around, my head jerking back and forth and my eyes darting in every direction until I found what I was looking for. I run to him with open arms and embrace him in a passionate hug. "You know I still love you, don't do that to me again"
His arms wrap around my body and I feel a weight lift from my chest. "I'm sorry, Dean. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that I left you, and everyone else, I'm sorry I dodged your question, I'm sorry I did it, I'm sorry for everything and I wish I didn't do it. I miss you, and I don't want you to leave but I know you need to. You can't leave everyone for me. But, I think I'm ready to answer your questions now."
I let go of him and take his hand in mine. "Let's go back to my room"
We slowly walk back to my room and the whole time there we just talk. Talk like we never left each other, and we will see each other again, but deep down we know that this will be the last time we see each other, possibly ever.
Once we make it back, we sit at the window area and stare out it, and that was it. Just enjoying our presence. I missed this so much and I know the rest of my life I will miss it. I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. And the last thing I remember hearing is Cas saying "remember my touch."

Hells Loss (sequel to Falling for Hell)Where stories live. Discover now