Chaper 14: Part One

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Hey people.. Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I feel so bad keeping you all waiting, but I am here now writing! I have lots of other things I need to do but this is the thing I chose! So let's get to chapter 14!



"I figured that. I was thinking that we could talk in my room after we eat, sorry for all the awkward silence we may encounter."
He nods his head slightly, "alright. Can I ask why we have to wait to talk until we get into your room?"
"I haven't really explained all of what happened to my brother yet, I don't want him finding out through me talking to someone else"
He nods again and looks down at his food and then starts to eat.
It was a very awkward dinner.
But after was what I was worried about.

I place our dishes in the sink and show Cas around the house a bit, and end the tour in my room. He sits on my bed and I walk over to my DVD player and play whatever is in. I turn the volume down just low enough to hear.
I sit on the bed and look in his, beautiful blue eyes.
I take a deep breath and ask, "so, what do you want to know?"
"Everything. Start with the beginning, because you said something about a coma."
"Yes. For three months. It was, definitely an experience."
I pause for a moment, the memories flashing through my mind. "And I'd never want to go through it again"
"I'm sorry, about it all. I couldn't even imagine. But, I wonder, if it was such a bad experience, why did you come to me? And how did you even find me or know I exist?"
"I.. I uh.."
I have to find a way to not mention us being a couple, we just met, I don't know what sexuality he is, i don't know anything about the real him.
"You were such a big part of what happened throughout the coma. We were best friends, there was no way I could give up a possible great real friendship. And, honestly I have no idea how I found you, during it all that just where you lived, and this is who you were. It's really confusing still."
He nods and rubs one of his upper arms nervously. I wonder why. "Do you have any other questions?"
He remains silent.
"Hey, are you alright? You seem a bit freaked out."
I move a bit on the bed and sit right next to him and place a hand on his shoulder. I see and feel him take a deep breath, then slowly look back up at me. He looks terrified. "Hey, calm down. Deep breaths. What's going on?"

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