Setting Up The Card Game

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Michael Leon and Steve Bray sat in Micheal’s office for another one of Michael’s good natured tongue lashings of Steve. The door was shut and Micheal was yelling at Steve.

Steve, Michael’s buddy from college had always given Michael something to get on him about.

“I don’t know what is wrong with you,” Michael slightly elevated his voice. “You promised them what?”

Steve sat and thought for a moment then he said. “I…ah…know the timeline is a bit ambitious…”

Michael laughed and yelled, “A bit ambitious? Applied Research couldn’t even get this done in the time frame that your dumb ass promised them.”

Steve wasn’t offended for there relationship always consisted of some good natured ribbing, but he did know for a fact that it was his mistake that required Watts to do more than they could really do.

“We can do this, I know we can.” Steve lied.

Michael continued to laugh and said, “You are lucky I can’t fire you…”

A cocky grin grew on Steve’s face when he said, “I would rather be lucky than good.”

They both laughed. Michael then said, “OK, I will talk to Dr. Stevens. We will get VanderHolt to accept a more realistic time line. And you…”

Steve pointed at himself and said, “Muah…”

“Yeah, you are not going to talk to them anymore…Damn, you need a babysitter Steve.”

Steve laughed and said, “You knew what you were getting when you got me. The best salesman you have ever seen…”

“And the biggest shoveler of horse manure in the country.”

Steve smiled and asked, “What’s the difference?”

Michael just shook his head and said, “OK, get out of my office and get back to work!”

Michael sometimes thought that he pushed the envelope with his relationship with Michael, but both knew that there was a limit to what Michael would put up with. Steve started walking towards the door.

Michael stopped him and asked, “Hey Steve, what happened with that big date you had last night? What was her name…ah…”

Steve interrupted him, “Sandy…and it was amazing. I can’t wait to see her again.”

“Could this be the one?”

“I rebuke you in the name of JEEEZZUS.” Steve said in a voice that mimicked a television evangelist. “By amazing I mean she held my interest in the bed…You know that!”

“Steve you ain’t getting any younger. You don’t need to be in a hurry, but you need to at least be looking.”

“I’m looking…for the next skirt to chase. All of us can’t be like you and Laura.” Steve said emphasizing the Laura’s name.

Michael smiled and said, “Well, I bet you just ain’t met the right one yet. When you do you will be singing a different tune.”

Steve thought for a moment and said, “Unless that tune is sung by a girl band, I ain’t really interested.”

“Whatever…Now don’t forget our card game tonight, you, me, Janet, and Laura. Now get out of here and get back to work.”

Steve walked out of Michael’s office and walked into his office. He had his feet up on the table and he was picking up his cell phone. He had forgotten about a date that he had for tonight that he had to cancel due to the card game.

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