Steve's Date With Penny

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Steve prepares himself for his date that evening with Penny. He puts on a collarless shirt, some slacks and a sports jacket. He looks in the mirror and feels awestruck at his appearance. Steve always thinks he looks good, but he definitely felt that his exercise routine was working.

He got into his car and drove over to the Greek Restaurant where he was to meet Penny. He got into the restaurant about 20 minutes late. He thought that was the perfect time to increase anticipation within the woman as well as not push the envelope causing the woman to leave.

Steve walked from his car into the hotel and saw Penny assembling her coat and purse and appeared to be leaving. He rushed over to the table without waiting to be seated.

“Where are you going?” Steve said while he smiled sheepishly.

Penny looked at her watch and said, “You said 8pm, I was here at 8pm, and it is now almost 8:45…My time is more important than to be wasted on someone who doesn’t care about…”

Steve didn’t like the way this was going and so he stopped Penny and said, “I care about you and your time, there was an accident that forced me to take an alternate route.” Steve lied. Steve thought better about correcting Penny on the time for he knew it was 8:20 and not 8:45 because he planned to be there exactly at 8:20 even though he told her 8:30.

“I don’t play that…” Penny began talking and continued on for a couple of minutes, but Steve was struck by how beautiful Penny was. The dress she wore showed her curves. She was an attractive woman by any measure.

“OK…OK…You got me, I messed up, please stay.” Steve begged while he pulled out her chair.

Penny sat down in the chair and the waiter came up asking Steve if he wanted a drink. Steve asked for water.

Penny opened up after a few minutes of tenseness. Steve learned that she works at one of the Christian book publishing houses in Nashville and that she even was studying to be a minister before giving that up and going into advertising.

“I know you aren’t supposed to ask this, but how could such an amazingly beautiful woman like yourself not be attached right now?” Steve asked.

Penny ignored the question, took Steve’s hand, looked into his eyes with her beautiful hazel colored eyes and said, “I could ask you the same thing.”

Steve smiled, he didn’t really want to get into his string of women and the number of broken hearts he left behind. He said, “Because God knew I needed to meet you.”

Steve cringed inside. Not only had he used God’s name to try to score, but he seemed to say that he was serious.

Penny smiled and said, “Was it God or was it the Devil? Because you know I studied theology and we were taught to recognize a load of bull given in God’s name.” She started laughing and Steve joined in.

While Steve continued to drink water Penny had consumed alcohol through the whole night. She was a little tipsy and really wasn’t in any condition to drive.

“Mr. Steve, do you think I can get a ride home tonight.” Penny said with a twinkle in her eye that made Steve wonder if she was talking about just a ride or something more.

When he took her by the arm and her hand slipped down to Steve’s backside he realized that he was going to have a good time that night.

When Steve got to the car he walked Penny over to her side of the car and opened the door. Penny slid her hand and brushed it against Steve’s manhood through his clothes.

Steve’s eyes widened and he grabbed Penny for a kiss.

Steve drove her home. He was absolutely sure that she was going to invite him in.

“It was a great night.” Penny said.

“It doesn’t have to end.” Steve responded.

Penny smiled and said, “Oh, it’s gonna end, but let me give you something to remind you of me.” She kissed him and said, “Bye.” She walked into her door and closed it.

Steve was excited and surprised at the same time. He wanted Penny so bad that he could feel it in his bones. And in reality he felt it in his core. He thought about how she must be in the bed and it drove him wild.

Steve consoled himself with the realization that this was a first date and that Penny was a church girl. He drove home.


At the office the next morning Janet called Penny to find out about the date. “Hey Penny, how’d it go last night?”

“It was allright, Steve is a decent enough guy, but I don’t know if I am really feelin’ him right now.”

Janet paused and celebrated inwardly. Janet said, “Awww, I’m sorry to hear that…”

“No you not…” They both laughed.

“You’re right, I’m not.”

“But one thing I was wondering, didn’t you say he was a no good guy?” Penny asked.

“Well, I didn’t really say that, he is just kind of a womanizer and he can be juvenile at times.” Janet realized that she might have mis-characterized Steve.

“Well, whatever, I will probably give him one more try and then move on, it ain’t like I am at home waiting for a guy to call, I have a date tonight.”

“That's cool, anybody I know?”

“You know Carl from church don't you?”

"Carl Clayton? He's married Penny."

"I know, but he says he is separated."

"You know they are not separated."

"He says he is separated, and all I can go by is what he tells me. I love dating him because he always gives me the gifts I deserve."

"You deserve?"

"I deserve fine diniing, nights on the town, lavish gifts. You know...I bet you you want the same things."

"This is a different side of you Penny, I have never seen this."

"Well, it ain't like we hung out much at church. Maybe we can become better friends."

"Maybe..." Janet said without really meaning it.

Janet thought that she has seriously misjudged Penny.

“Anyway I gotta go girl…” Penny said.

About the same time Steve walked up to Penny’s cube. “Your friend is amazing.” Steve said.


“I can’t wait to see her again, you are going to have to give me pointers so that I can make sure that I handle this correctly.”

“Uh OK…” Janet said while still trying to process what is happening and where it could be going.

“We’ll talk later.” Steve said while he walked off.

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