Preparing for the Date

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“She coming to your date tonight.” Michael said through the phone.

“What do you mean? She told you that? You still at work?” Steve said while preparing for his date that night with Tina.

“Yeah, I’m still at work man, she just left here.” Michael said.

“So she said she coming?”

“Well, I’m piecing it together. She didn’t exactly say that, but…” Michael said.

“She didn’t say it, then why are you bothering me?”

“I’m trying to help your stupid ass out. I can hang up now and let whatever happens happen…” Michael said angrily.

“Didn’t you try to stop it. I thought you were my friend man…”

“Damn man…Laura talked her into it, I tried to stop it, but you know how those women get when they get together.” Michael said.

A slight smile emerged on Steve’s face as he thought about the possibility that Janet did have strong interest in him. Strong enough to come to a restaurant and make a scene. He thought about the kiss he shared with Janet and said, “Maybe it ain’t that bad a thing…”

“Come on man, snap out of it. Do you really think it is a good thing for her to be yelling and throwing things around. You know how crazy she can be.” Michael responded.

Steve then had a image of Janet kicking Tina at the restaurant and thought again. “I guess you are right.”

“Hell yeah I’m right.”

“OK so what do you suggest?”

“Go somewhere else. This just ain’t gonna work.”

“OK…” Steve said while shrugging his shoulders.

“I’ll see you…” Steve said beginning to close out.

“Hold on. Steve, you are starting to make me sick man.” Michael said.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Steve responded.

“You aren’t yourself. Ever since this Janet thing happened. You ain’t been yourself. YOu all over the place.”

“I don’t really know where you are coming from now. But I need to talk to you later…”

“No you need to talk to me now. Cause we boys.” Michael said. “You need to stop floating around. You need to stop acting like a damn school girl.”

“What are you talking about?” Steve said.

“I’m talking about Janet. I’m talking about Tina. I’m talking about the man that wouldn’t let some woman tie her around his finger. I’m talking about being a damn man.”

Steve sat there angrily wanting to say something but realizing he shouldn’t.

Michael continued, “The office is a shambles thanks to your not putting your foot down and doing what you want to do. If you want Janet, go get Janet. If you want Tina, go get Tina, but stop putting all this mess out there. The company can’t handle it…you can’t handle it.”

“Are you finished?” Steve asked.

“Whatever, do what you do, I’m just letting you know, that I ain’t gonna put up with this nonsense much longer.” Michael said.

“If you are finished then I got something to do.” Steve said.

“If I am finished, what the hell…”

Steve hung up before Michael could finish talking. Steve began putting his clothes on, but Michael’s words had hit home. What had happened to him? He remembered being the ladies man that had a number of women on auto dial and now he is whimpering up behind Janet. 

“What do I really want?” Steve asked himself audibly as he stood there alone in his apartment. Steve thought about his feelings for Janet. He thought about what he really wanted. 

He then thought about his feelings for Tina.

Steve picked up the phone and called Tina.

“Steve, when are you going to pick me up?”

“We need to talk…” Steve said.


Janet thought about what she was going to do that night. She realized from her conversations that day that her anger with Steve was as a result of her love for him. She knew now that she wanted to be with him.  

Janet wondered why she waited so long, why she put him through so much mess before she got to the point she was at now. While she still hadn’t told anyone else, she now, at least, acknowledged to herself that she loved him.

She thought about showing up at The Kitchen restaurant and just going over to their table and telling him.

Janet wondered what she would do if someone did that to her. There might not be blows, but there would at least be some strong and loud words exchanged. Janet decided to call Ashley to figure it out.

“Hey Ash.” Janet said.

“Janet, so what are you up to?”

“I need some help, I am not sure exactly what I should do. OR what am I going to do.”

“About what?” Ashley asked.

“Steve. It’s always about Steve.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, but let me ask this, do you already know what you are going to do?”

Janet smiled knowing the answer was in the affirmative. She knew that she was going to that restaurant no matter what Ashley or anybody else said. She knew that she was going to walk right over to Steve and Tina’s table. 

Janet knew that she was going to look Steve deeply in his eyes and tell him that she loved him. She knew that she was going to tell him that she wanted to be with him. Janet then told Ashley, “Yes…I know what I am going to do.”

“Well then stop talking to me and do it.” Ashley giggled.

Janet smiled. “That’s just what I needed to hear, I’ll see you Ash.” Janet hung up.

Janet walked over to her closet and grabbed her freakme dress. It was a sleeveless red number that grabbed all of her curves tightly and showed her body off. The men can’t look anywhere else when she wore that. 

She put on some pumps and looked in the mirror. Janet looked knowing that it was exactly the look she was going for. She was classy and yet sexy. Janet walked out of the door with her plan of action.

Another Man (The Office Surprise an Interracial Romance Book 2) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now