Game On Mr. Player

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"Prove it to me" he says throwing the basketball at my hands. Why must this boy be so annoying. I wanted to put my hands around his neck. I was currently in my annoying gym class with Andre forcing me to make a jump shot. "Leave me alone ass" I retort, he then starts to make chicken sounds and flaps his arms. "I'm telling my mom not to cook for you tonight" I yell at him which makes him stop instantly. "Your such a child sometimes I'm not coming over anyways" he says with a sad expression. I burst out laughing making everyone look at us, "awe does my family scare you?" I say in a baby voice. He gives me his sexy smirk. Did you just say sexy smirk.

"No I love your moms cooking my parents are coming back tonight so I'm staying in" he says angrily. "Awe your going to be with mommy and daddy, they care about their baby" I say trying to pinch his cheeks. "Ms. Evans can you stop harassing my star player, Dre get your head in the game work on them free throws!!" coach yells at us. The cheerleaders start to laugh and point their fingers at me and I flick them off. Suddenly a great idea pops into my head. Game on Mr. Player.

Andre POV
"Andre let me to talk to you son" coach says as I'm heading out the door to go home. "Yes wassup up coach" I say wiping my sweat from my forehead. "You know I love you like a son right" I shake my head in agreement. "I don't think you and Melissa should be that friendly especially since were so close to the next game." I look at him questionably, one he never says anyone first name unless he knows them personally. Secondly he never involves himself in our personal affairs. "Okay coach anything I should know?" Coach coughs uneasy "no son, I just need you boys focused for the game Friday. Oh and Bryan said to call him he's out with his new shawty" Coach says attempting to change the subject. "Alright coach" was all I said before I hopped in my car heading home.

I sighed as soon as I reached my garage I noticed both my parents cars were parked perfectly next to each other. Great. I used my keys and let myself in, I smelled my mother cooking. She's cooking? Is that laughing I hear. This I have to see. I walked towards my kitchen following the smell of the food. My mom was smiling and laughing and so was my dad. The problem was they weren't looking at each other, it was someone else. My mom finally notices me standing, "hello son why didn't you tell me you had this lovely girl as your companion" she gushes. I roll my eyes and continue to walk forward. How the hell did she know where I live? "Hello Andre" she says with a smirk, her blue eyes lift in excitement. She had her hair in a tight bun, she wore a beige sun dress that clung to her breast but flowed sexy at her knees. Her lips at a light shade of pink lip gloss. Damn Melissa.

Melissa POV
Kellz: You can do it Mellz just like we practiced. Keep calm it's not like your actually dating him.
Me: Your right thanks
In case you didn't guess it I'm currently inside of Andre's house no scratch that mansion. His parents were loaded, seriously his house made mines look like a small parking garage. His mom is a beautiful chocolate woman, with a little Latin in her family tree. She has soft brown eyes, medium length dark brown hair that was neatly styled in layers. His father was tall he stood a good 5 inches from his mother, he was a good looking ivory skinned man. He had short brown hair and hazel eyes a few shades darker than Andre. I can see where he gets his looks from. His mother cooked a lovely meal, which consist of fresh mixed vegtables, chicken cordon bleu, and dinner rolls. "So Melissa how did you and my son meet was it romantic? Did he sweep you off your feet?" his mother asks excitedly as I sipped on the white wine from my cup. "Nobody sweeps anybody off their feet anymore mom, its not 1960" Andre says rudely earning a kick from me and a glare from his mom. "So but shes such a lovely girl, you had to get her some way" his mother says. "I'm sure I'm capable of selecting girls pretty well I get it from my father" Andre snaps. Whoa double meaning. "Andre that's not nice, how come you didn't introduce us to her sooner. She seems nice let me guess you forgot. I hope this one isn't a slut." his father says intensely. What the hell did I walk myself into and who the hell is a slut. I saw Andre's hands ball up into fist and he wasn't even touching his food. I took a even bigger gulp of wine. Rich people problems. I placed my hand over his, "Well Mr and Mrs Johnson, me and Andre are new to this relationship, so we kept it on a low profile, I don't exactly like people in my business. Andre is smart, outgoing, and he has a way with his words, he had me at hello" I say trying not to vomit the nice the compliments I just said. "Awe that is so cute, my little Andre is growing up" his mother fans her eyes trying not to let a tear fall out. I sniffle a low chuckle at her gesture. However his father looked like he wasn't buying it. "So what are your plans Melissa?" he asks mysteriously. What kind of question is that? "What kind of question is that dad? What do you think she wants?" Andre says rudely before I can answer. I give his hand a light squeeze. "Andre stop being so over protective" I joke trying to eliminate the stare going on between Andre and his father. Okay. "Mr. Johnson I plan on finishing high school, but after I plan on moving to New York City to study computer science and engineering, but I will minor in digital art and design. In about 10 years I plan to have my own successful business" I say nervously. "You got a smart girl, maybe you can learn from this one" Mr. Johnson says as his pager goes off. "Oh it's the hospital I have to be in surgery in a few nice meeting you. Bye honey." Mr. Johnson finishes his plate and rushes out the door the same time Mrs. Johnson's cellphone rings. "Excuse me, this is a potential buyer on my last paintings". She walks upstairs leaving me alone with Andre. He gives me an evil look before snatching the bottle of wine gulping down half the bottle "explain" he says rudely shaking my hand off of his. "What do you mean I wanted to meet your family" I say coolly earning another glare from Andre. "Cut the bullshit, how did you find my house!" he yells. "You better lower your voice, and I found your house just like you found mines. Clearly your mad so I'm going to leave before I deck you in your mouth" I snap at him. Fucking rude. I snatch my bag up sending a quick 'come get me' text to Kelly.I walked towards the door and open it but Andre snatched my hands before I could. "You think you could walk away from me like that?" he said angrily. "Um hell yes, I can do what I want your not my boyfriend, you come over to my house like your apart of my family. You think you know me and when I do the same thing to you, your dumb ass gets mad. We all have shit in our lives you just choose to hide yours," I scream in his face. I try to snatch my wrist from his hand but he doesn't budge. Instead he gulps down more of the wine and throws it on the floor making the bottle shatter to tiny pieces in front of me. "Andre what the hell?!" I yell at him. Great now the front of my dress smells like alcohol, good luck explaining this to my mom. He smirks, and moves in closer to me. "You know your just a tease to me right now." I roll my eyes, "well can you move away from me." He closed the tiny space between us "make me" he says. He leans in and I'm stuck in between the door and Andre's hard chest, his eyes bore into mines. He has the type of eyes you want to get lost in. He lifts up my chin and breathes his hot wine breath on my cheek. "You have very sexy lips" he leans in and starts to kiss the side of my lip like I had did to him. I pushed his chest but his lips captured mines, moving slowly ontop of mines. My lips moved with his but mines moved faster causing a fire and ice reaction. He gripped my waist tighter and he licked my lips for entrance. As soon as I opened I heard a car honk making both of us jump. "Well what do we have here I was wondering why you didn't answer your phone I can see your busy" Bryan says eyeing both of us. Mainly me, his eyes were warning me. I just glared at him. "Nah it's nothing bro, wassup" Andre says coldly. What the hell? Bryan starts laughing "didn't look like nothing to me". So no one is noticing Bryan staring at me. "Bro come on she was just leaving, where is your ride anyways?" He says not even looking at me. I was about to punch him but Kelly's truck came into view and bumped both Bryan and Andre as I made my way towards her car. "Oh so scary angry blonde" they laughed. Kelly gives me a worried look as I flipped both of them as I hop inside her car. Time to play

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