Chapter 11-

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"Ed, I have to talk to him sometime!" i yelled at him. He was making such a huge deal out of Harry and I working things out.

It's been two weeks since Ed has even let me out of the flat.

"Why can't you talk to him over the phone?! You dont need to see him in person!" he yelled back at me.

"Maybe because I would like to actually like to interact with my own brother! Why are you so god-damn controlling all of a sudden?!" i yelled at him, standing up.

"He fucking hit you! Thats why I am being controlling!" he screamed. He never swore at me.

"And he says that he isnt going to do it again! I believe him! I am going to his place, whether you like it or not, Ed!" I screamed at him, tears welling into my eyes.

"You know what?! All i am trying to do is make sure that you are safe, but no, you have to go put yourself at risk! Jjust listen to me! You're being so damn stubborn, stop being such a bitch!" he screamed.

I turned and ran out of the flat. I didnt bother to grab my phone, or to drive. I started walking. I cried as I walked along, knowing that Ed had actually called me a bitch.

I walked for about an hour, maybe, when I reached Harry's flat. Still crying, I knocked on the door, and waited for an answer, shifting around on my feet.

The door slowly creaked open to reveal Harry in his pajamas.

"What happened, love?" he asked. He held his arms open wide, and I ran into them. I sobbed into his chest.

"Shhh, sh. Tell me what happened." He rubbed circles on my back.

"Ed and m-me we-re fighti-ing." i stuttered.

"What? Why?" he asked, his eyes darting to mine as he pulled away from our hug.

"Because I wanted to see you. I wanted to work things out. But he called me a bitch and I walked here." i told him.

"You are so far from a bitch, Ari. I know Ed so well, and he just wanted you to be safe. But I swear, I would never lay another finger on you, ever. He, and you, should know that." he said.

"I love you, Haz." I told him, and hugged him tight. He lighty kissed my forehead.

"I love you too. Always remember, even though you're living with Ed now, your room will always be open and welcome, if for any reason you decide to come back." He smiled, "Now go patch things up with Ed, love."

"Thank you, Harry. I really appreciate it." I gave him a small smile.

"I'll drive you. C'mon." he said as he grabbed his keys.

Harry drove me to Ed and I's flat, and stopped in the car park.

"Here you go." he smiled.

"You're not coming in?" I asked.

"I dont really think I am welcome. Right now, anyways." he murmured, playing with his hand.

"You're always welcome. C'mon, please." I asked. He huffed something under his breath, and opened his car door to step out.

Harry and I walked to the front doorstep, and I fumbled with the keys a bit. Once I had unlocked the door, I opened it and seen Ed sitting on the couch. His eyes darted over, and he saw Harry behind me.

"Get the fuck out of my house." he gritted through his teeth, not moving from his spot.

"Oh fuck off, Ed. He's my brother, and he will be welcomed." I shot. Ed rolled his eyes and grunted, turnign his head to the tv.

"Now, when you get your panties out of a twist, Harry and I will be making cookies if you need anything." i snorted.

"I would call Aubrey over, if you weren't in a pissy mood. We could've done that whole couples bonding thing that girls always want to do." Harry told him as nicely as he could. Ed didnt reply.

"C'mon bro. You know you want all of this!" Harry exclaimed, rolling up his shirt and belly-dancing the best he could.

"Lord jesus." Ed smiled and sheilded his eyes, "MY EYES! I'VE GONE BLIND!"

"Hug it out." I told them.

Ed got up and Harry and him hugged. Ed then looked at me and awkwardly shuffled on his feet.

"Hug it out." Harry mocked me.

Ed opened his arms and i walked into them, missing the feeling of his embrace. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too." I told him, and he placed his cold lips onto mine.

"JESUS PEOPLE! I SAID HUG IT OUT, NOT SNOG IT OUT!" Harry yelled as he waited for Aubrey to pick up her phone.

"Hey babe. Wanna come over to Ed and Ari's flat, have a baking day? YAY! See you then. Love you too." Harry hung up the phone.

"She'll be here soon." He smiled.

I was kinda funny how Aubrey could brighten up anybody's day, just by being mentioned.

It was too bad we didn't know that she would'nt be around for long.

My Brothers Best Mate? ~Ed Sheeran Fan-Fiction~Where stories live. Discover now