Chapter 9-

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I woke up to whispering in the room. I layed still and steadied my breathing, pretending I was asleep.

"Do you approve of them, Harry? Honestly?" I heard Aubrey ask.

"I haven't seen Ariana this happy in years. If he is what makes her happy, then I want them to be together." I heard Harry reply.

I felt Ed stir from beside me. I felt him prop himself up on his elbows and heard Harry and Aubrey chuckle.

"Ari was right, you are cute when you're sleepy." Harry joked.

"She said that?" he asked in a husky morning voice.

"Yep." I was going to kill that boy.

It went silent for a little while, before Harry spoke up.

"You really like her, Ed... don't you?"

I heard Ed happily sigh before he spoke.

"She's my everything. I love her." he whispered, pulling me closer.

I took his movement to my advantage, and pretended he woke me. I sat up and rubed my eyes, and yawned.

"Hey baby girl." he whispered and kissed my temple.

"Hi." I said as I yawned again.

"We'll leave you two to get up. I'm driving Aubrey home, I'll be back in an hour." Harry said.

"Alright, love you."

"Love you too." he said as he and Aubrey exited the room.

The clock said 10:30am. I was on the inside of the bed, and I was feeling in a joking mood today. I rolled over Ed who was laying down on the outside, and rolled right off the side of the bed. I landed with a plop on the floor.

Ed cracked up laughing behind me, and a just smirked to myself.

"Lets go make breakfast." I suggested.

We both got out of bed and got dressed. We made pancakes, bacon, and eggs. By the time we were done eating, it was 12:00pm.

"Hm. Harry should've been home by now." I said, mostly to myself.

"He probably just got stuck in traffic." Ed said.

We put a movie into the DVR player and by the time it finished, Harry still wasn't home.

"I'm going to try calling him." I said, walking out of the room to get my phone.

I dialed his number, and waited for an answer.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello, you've reached Harry Styles, I can't come to the phone at the moment, but please leave your name and number, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." I heard his cheery voice flow through the voicemail.


"Harry, its Ariana. Where are you? You were supposed to be home hours ago. Please call me back. We're getting worried. Love you." I said, and hung up the phone.

I ran back downstairs to Ed, and shook my head.

"I'm sure he's just running late. Don't worry." He said and pulled me into a tight hug.

We sat and watched TV for awhile, before I heard my phone ringing. I grabbed it out of my back pocket.

Unknown number. Hm.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ariana Styles?" a man with a deep, unfamiliar voice asked.

"Yes, may I ask who's speaking?"

"My name is Deputy Dancoff, with the police system. We need you to get to the hospital as quick as possible."

"What? Why?" Ed must've heard the worried tone in my voice, because he took the phone from me and put it on speaker phone.

"Um, your brother, Harry, was in a car accident. He is in very bad condition. You need to get to the hospital." he said, his voice still.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I already lost two of the people I loved to a car accident. I couldn't lose another.

"Hello? Ma'am?" he asked.

I choked out a sob, and fell to the floor.

"We'll be there soon." Ed said into the phone before hanging up.

"Babe, c'mon, we have to leave." Ed said sympathetically, before picking up my crumpled body and carrying me to the car. We got to the hospital in no time, and we practically ran in.

"Harry Styles." I said to the lady at the front desk.

"Floor 3, room 217."

Ed thanked her and we rushed up to the room. We were about to walk into the room when a big man stopped us.

"Sorry guys, you cant go in there."

"He's my brother! Please!" I sobbed.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I can't let you in." he gave me a sad smile.

I started pushing at his chest, crying even harder. Ed picked me and and pulled me away. He sat down in a chair, and sat me on his lap. I sobbed into his ches until I couldnt even breathe.

"You need to calm down, Ariana. He will be okay. He's strong. He can get through this." Ed tryed to calm me down.

"But I won't be okay, Ed!," I yelled getting off of him, "He could fucking die! Then I'd have nobody!" I yelled. I turned around as someone had tapped my shoulder. It was the man from earlier.

"You can see him now." he said.

Ed took my hand and held it tightly with both of his. We reached the door, and he stopped me when I went to open it.

"Love, you need to remember that you might not want to see what is behind that door. You have to prepare yourself for the worst." As much as I hated to admit it, Ed was right. I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes for a few seconds. I opened them, and slowly pushed the door open.

There laid my brother. He looked so helpless, weak even. He had bandages wrapped around his head, a bit of blood seeping through them, a cast on his left leg, and bandages around his waist. He was hooked up to a bunch of machines. One for hydration, another for blood, and I dont even know what the other 3 were for.

I just stood there, silent tears rolling down my cheeks, one after another.

"Ariana." I heard him say in the tiniest whisper.

"I'm here, Harry. I'm right here." I said, running to the side of his bed. He opened up his hand, slowly and weakly, and moved it towards me. I took his hand in mine, and kissed it.

"I love you so much, Harry. You are so, so strong. We'll get through this together. I promise." I tried my best not to burst into tears as I was speaking, but my voice cracked multiple times.

He shut his eyes, and his head layed comfortable on the pillow that rested behind him.

"I love you, Ariana." he whispered, before his hand went limp, and the monitor went into a consecutive, long beep.

"NO! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! HES DYING!" I yelled, as Ed ran out of the room to find a doctor of some-sorts. 6 doctors ran in within seconds, and I was shoved out of the room, and the door slammed shut.

"NO!" I screamed, punching the wall beside me. Ed grabbed me by my waist, and I seen some tears roll down his face too.

"Ari. He's my best mate. Your brother. Aubreys boyfriend. He will make it through for us. I promise." His voice cracked. We hugged each other for what seemed like hours, just crying into each others arms.

We sat in the waiting room, for hours upon hours, just waiting for some sort of nes to come through, hopefully good.

After 4 hours of waiting in the bland hospital waiting room, a doctor emerged from Harry's room, and Ed and i both shot out of ours seats. The doctor walked over to us, and looked at us with a blank, unreadable face for a few seconds, before a smile rose onto his cheeks.

"He's Alive."

My Brothers Best Mate? ~Ed Sheeran Fan-Fiction~Where stories live. Discover now