Chapter 12-

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"Where the hell is she? I'm starting to get worried!" Harry paced around the room. Aubrey said she would be here an hour ago, and she wasn't answering her phone.

"I'm sure shes alright, bro. Calm down." Ed patted Harry's back.

"She should be answering her phone! Even her family doesn't know where she is. I'm actually terrified right now." Harry said shakily, holding back tears.

"Wanna all go for a walk, blow some steam and calm down?" Ed asked.

"Yeah. That sounds nice." Harry said.

We slipped on our shoes, and were walking up the street. We walked for about a half-hour, and then we heard some sirens. When they stopped, they sounded fairly close to us.

We turned a corner, and seen something none of us were prepared to see. Tons of paramedics flew around a body of a girl, who by the looks of it, had been beaten and stabbed. I watched one of the paramedics as he sighed, and rubbed his neck.

"She's gone guys." he mumbled.

"Um, excuse me?" Harry said to one of the by-passing paramedics.

"Sir, we are going to have to ask you to back away from the crime scene a little bit." he said in a monotone voice.

"I need to know that girl's name." Harry choked on his own words.

"We went through her I.D, and we know the name of the victim, but we are not allowed to release it."

"Sir, that could be my girlfriend. Please." Harry pleaded, tears finding their way to his cheeks.

"Um, ah, her name was, ah, Aubrey Stone, I do believe." the paramedic said, and walked away.

Harry stood there frozen. He wasn't crying, he just stood there. Ed was crying, I was crying.

Just then, Harry turned and ran up the road, as fast as he could. Ed and I looked to each other and chased him, but it was no use.

"Where is he going?" Ed asked, as we slowed down into a fast walk.

"His flat. Him and Aubrey's room." I said, almost as if he had told me.

"Lets go." He said and we started running again. We reached Harry's flat within a few minutes. I slowly opened the door, and I was horrified, just by what i heard.

Screaming. Banging. Crying.

All coming from Harry's room.

I ran upstairs, and flung Harry's door open. I looked around and seen multiple holes punches through the walls, picture frames shattered on the hardwood flooring, then my eyes landed on Harry.

He had his head in his hands, ripping furiously at his hair. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot, and his body was shaking, rattling with sobs.

"Harry. Come here." I said quietly, opening my arms and walking towards him. I turned for a second and seen Ed standing in the dorrway.

"Shes gone." harry whispered.

"I know, but things will get better." i told him, slowly inching towards him.

"No, they fucking won't! I just lost the love of my fucking life! How are things going to get better?! Huh!?" He screamed, and pushed me back.

I walked towards him again, but this time, I wasn't letting him push me away when he needed someone most.

He kept trying to push me away, and every time he did, I would tighten my grip around his arm.

He soon gave up, and threw his arms around my waist, and started sobbing into my neck. I couldn't help but to let a few tears roll down my cheeks as I held my shaking, broken brother tightly in my arms.

Ed came over and started rubbing Harry's back, and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. After about a half-hour, Harry's heart-wreching screams and sobs were supressed into hiccups and deep breathes. He could barely stand straight.

"You're gonna come stay at our flat for now, okay Harry?" I asked. He nodded slightly, and tried to stand up.

"Whoa, buddy. Be careful." Ed said when Harry went tumbling over. He was too weak to even stand up.

"I... I ca-an't get u-up." He whispered, stuttering.

"Ariana, help me stand him up and get him to the car." He demanded. I did as I was told, and placed Harry's arm over my shoulder and Ed did the same. We practically dragged Harry to the car, and set him in the backseat.

We drove to our flat, and we managed to get harry inside, and up the stair to the spare bedroom. Ed gave me a sad smile, and left me alone with my terrified, shaking brother.

"Get some sleep. I'll be right in the bedroom next to yours if you need anything." i told him, and gave his hand a slight squeeze.

"Dont leave me like she did, Ariana." he whispered, tears flooding into his eyes.

"I'll never leave you, Harry. I promise." i said as i stood up and started to walk out of the room. Just as i was about to leave the room, Harry croaked out,


"Yes, Harry?" i asked.

"I love you so much." he whispered.

"I love you too. So much. Get some rest." i said. He pulled himself under the covers, and closed his eyes. I quietly left the room, but left the door open a crack.

I walked into Ed and I's room, and seen Ed flicking through TV channels. He seen me and walked over and hugged my tightly. I silently cried, letting my tears flow into the crook of his neck.

"He'll be alright. He's staying with us until I say he is stable enough to go home." Ed whispered to me.

"I'm scared for his well-being, Ed." i cried.

"He will be alright. I promise you." he said. He wiped the tears from me cheeks and cupped my face in his hands.

"You are such a good sister, love." he said and kissed my lightly on the nose.

My Brothers Best Mate? ~Ed Sheeran Fan-Fiction~Where stories live. Discover now