Chapter 3-

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I layed down in bed that night, thinking about Ed.

Why does he treat me so nicely? I mean, he's my brothers best friend.

He gives me this feeling in my stomach. He makes me feel safe.

I can't fancy Ed, can I? No! No, no, no.

I need some sleep.



I woke up, and turned over and glanced at the clock. 6:57am.

I rolled back over and tried to get to sleep. I tossed and turned for a good half-hour, before I came to the conclusion that I wasn't getting back to sleep.

I got up and walked into the living-room, and screamed, not expecting to see a dark figure on the couch.

"Shh! Ariana, its me! Ed!" He whisper-shouted, standing up.

"You scared the shit out of me, Ed!" i scolded.

"Sorry," he chuckled.

I stoood there as he looked at me, and I gave him a weird look. He laughed, and I sat on the sofa.

He sat beside me, and I was really tempted to hug him.

Dont ask, I'm a cuddly person in the mornings.

"Ed?" i asked,


"Can I hug you?"

He laughed deeply at my random question. He stood up, and pulled me with him.

He pulled me into a tight hug, and might I say, it was one of the best hugs I have ever recieved. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

He pulled away and looked my striaght in the eyes, his beautiful blue eyes piercing through me.

He slowly leaned in, and I started to to, until Aubrey walked into the room, wide-eyed.

"Um, am I i-interrupting something?" she stuttered.

"No, you're alright love." Ed smiled.

Well, he was a happy camper considering what had just happened.

I smiled a little, and walked up the stairs to my room. I was getting dressed, when I started to get really dizzy.

I thought nothing of it, and finshed getting dressed, and brushed my hair.

I stepped out of my room, and I got really weak. I collapsed, and was completely terrified.

"ED! HARRY! HELP!" I cried, tears flowing.

Ed was the first to make iit up the stairs, frantically looking around until he seen me in the hallway.

"Ariana!" he yelled and ran over to me.

"Ed?" i whispered.

"I'm right here, Ari. I'm right here." he held me as I cried.

"I-I'm dizz-zy and tired." i whispered with the strenght I had.

"HARRY! CALL AN AMBULANCE! Ariana, listen to me, okay? Do not go to sleep. Okay? Stay with me, I'm right here, love. You're going to be alright, I promise," he told me.

The last thing I seen was Harry running up the stairs with the phone in his hand, tears rolling down his cheeks when he seen me.

"ARIANA!" he screamed.

"Don't close your eyes, Ariana. Ariana? Ariana!?" Ed said in a panicked tone.

"Harry, tell them to get here, and fast." Ed said.

Thats when I blacked out.

My Brothers Best Mate? ~Ed Sheeran Fan-Fiction~Where stories live. Discover now